Chapter 5

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Jordan blinked his eyes, not believing that girl's vocals. Wow, talk about surprise. He watched as she ran down the stairs, to the drive way and then finally stopped at him, throwing her arms around him in a hug.

"OMG, where the hell did you come from?"

Jordan laughed, "I was in Chicago."

Vicki laughed, holding him tightly. "OMG, I've missed you like crazy." Jordan tried to pull out of her bear hug, but found it difficult.

"Vicki, I believe you can let the man go, he's about ready to pass out." Denise's voice was heard from the porch. Jordan glanced over at her, feeling his heart skip a beat. Why couldn't she hug him this way? Why couldn't she be this ecstatic to see him?

Finally, feeling Vicki's arms slacken up, he pulled away from her. "It's good to see you too, Victoria."

She ran her gaze up and down his frame, taking in the lean but built frame. "You look even better now than you did two years ago." She nodded.

Jordan sighed, "Thanks."

"What are you doing here?" Denise inquired, curious to know?

"When did you get here?" Vicki pondered, her smile reaching her eyes.

"I came to help you unload the groceries, Denise. Or did you forget you couldn't carry them by yourself?"

At his teasing grin, Denise felt flutters in her stomach, "Me and Vicki can do it."

Jordan narrowed his eyes, What was her problem? She had been so nice before, but now, she stood there glaring at him from the porch.

"Don't listen to her, Jordan. We need your help too." Vicki stated, her eyes glowing.

Once Jordan helped the girls move everything into the house, and they began putting away the groceries, Victoria, who was bursting with questions, began with her first one. "How old are you now, Jordan?"

Denise scowled at her. That wasn't any of her business.

"I'm twenty years old, Vicki."

"Oh, wow, so is Denise. I always thought you were older than her."

Jordan shook his head, "No, she's older than me by three months."

Glancing over at Denise, who sat on the kitchen stool, a bland facial expression across her features,she said, "I can't believe you never told me that."

Denise sighed, "I wasn't aware that I had to."

"So, why'd you go to Chicago?" Vicki inquired, grabbing a fresh apple off the counter.

"Because I needed a change of scenery." He smiled at her.

"Oh, yeah, I'm sorry about baby Nicholas, and your mother." Vicki stated, her tone sympathetic.
Jordan's gaze went to Denise, who just sat drawing imaginary circles on the counter top. Jordan could tell by her demeanor a certain part of her was jealous.

"Thank you."

"So, what was it like there?" Vicki continued to probe.

"It was alright I suppose."

"Jordan Williams, is that you in my kitchen?" Mrs. Richards came into the kitchen and wrapped him in a hug, if not tighter than the one Vicki had given, around the same amount of strength.

Denise glanced up from her spot and rolled her eyes, great, now her mother and step father were here.

"I found him standing in the driveway, he'd seen Denise at the supermarket and followed her home," Vicki replied, happily. Denise grinned at her summary of events. She made him sound like some kind of stalker.

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