Chapter 1

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Jordan laid there in bed, thinking of all the stuff he'd endured the past two years. His mother's passing, his own son being born and then leaving this world as well. He remembered not being able to close his eyes at night the first three months he'd been away from Hampton.

Guilt, anger, pain and frustration had all managed to lay claim to him during those times. Sometime during the ninth month, he began to feel the emotions let up one by one, until finally, he'd started working again, moved out of Andrew's and Tanya's place and got his own home.

Two weeks after moving, he'd been going through his things and found quite a few stuff that Denise had given him over the years. These things of memorabilia, held fast to his heart, reminding him of the one sentence letter he'd written her telling her that he'd be back for her. Although he'd wanted to come back, he'd felt unsure as to whether or not she'd want to see him. After deliberation, he bought a plane ticket and here he was, back in Hampton.

Inhaling sharply, he sat up, and put his hands to his face. He'd also come back because he had some unfinished business to take care of. Getting up, he walked out the door and to his son's room.

Everything was still in its proper place. Nothing removed. As he cut on the light, he saw dust mites lingering over the furniture, in the closet where the clothes still hung. Staring around the room, he inhaled sharply as the recollection of the little boy he'd once held in his arms surfaced in his thoughts. He went out into the hallway to the linen closet, reached up on the top shelf and grabbed some cleaner, where he took it back to the room. Bit by bit, he disassembled everything.

The following morning, Denise awoke with a bright disposition. She glanced over at the clock, reading that it was nine o'clock in the morning. Throwing the covers off of her, she stretched her limbs, turned to the left and then right to get the creaks out of her hips. Grabbing her clothing out of the closet, she went for a shower.

An hour later, shower done, downstairs for breakfast and then off to work at Yaal, Denise's attention focused on Jordan and why he'd come back to town. A sigh escaped as many possibilities running through her head. Even one she didn't want to admit. Things like that never happened in real life. Guys never came back to the girl they'd first loved. It was preposterous to even think of such an idea.

Two years was definitely enough time to get over a high school sweet heart, right? She cleared her throat, pushed the thought aside and then grabbed her keys off the table.

Jordan watched with amusement as she came out of the house, keys in hand and made her way to a car. Since when had Denise gotten a car? When he'd left, she'd been using her mother's vehicle to go to the store, now she was driving a 97 Nissan Altima.

He walked up to the end of the drive way, stopping right behind her car. When the car began
moving, he wondered how good of a driver was she? Just as he thought this, the car came to a complete stop. Looking out of the window, she raised both brows. "Would you like me to hit you?"

He let out a laugh, "Would you like to?"

She smiled back, "Tempting offer, but it's against the law."

He shook his head, feeling light hearted, "Do you always have to go by the book?"

"I was told it was safer this way."

He nodded. "Oh, really?"

Denise sighed, "Yeah." Her gaze went down to her watch, "You're making me late for work.

He nodded, "I'm sorry."

Denise waited for him to move. When he didn't, she cleared her throat, "I would like to get going, it's going to be a long day."

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