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Morning came , Caden was the first to wake up getting Bella's cake it was 2am.

Lea woke up walking downstairs " mhhh what's this?" , " I wanted to surprise Bella and celebrate her birthday early since I know the big party will be interrupted" Lea smiled.

Helping him with the candles , Miles walked down with Bella and Gina her eyes closed.

He uncovered them " Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Bella happy birthday to you , yhip yhip horray yhip yhip horray " they all shouted singing for her.

She jumped off Miles and ran to Caden , he picked her up" ready to make a wish" she nodded looking between him and Lea she smiled then blew her candles.

Miles took some cream wiping it on her face " uncle !" They all laughed " time for presents" Cyrus voiced giving her one.

She opened it smiling when she saw the doll he had bought her " thank you thank you " , " mine next " Gina said giving her the gift.

" the pretty princess sofia dress I wanted , thank you aunt Gina " , " mine next mine " Miles said.

She opened it and jumped on him " I love it " , " Miles a new tablet , really?" , " what she wanted a new one " they all chuckled.

" My turn , come to me princess " she nervously walked to Caden , he pulled out two boxes " pick one , they're both yours but you can only open one now and one later on " she smiled picking the small box.

He smiled giving it to her , Bella was gentle opening the box sitting infront of Caden , it was a bracelet a golden bracelet with purple gem stones on it.

" This was my mothers , passed on from my grandma and the generation before , as my daughter I am passing this on to you to pass on to your daughter and her your granddaughter , this is a very important treasure in my family and only the eldest daughters can get it , my mom only had me and told me to hand it over to my daughter that you'd know it's importance.

I am grateful to have you as mine , thank you for accepting me as yours I hope that I'd never disappoint you as this is my first time being a parent, I thought I was late but I now know I wasn't , you had been waiting for the day I'd come for you and you knew even when I didn't the love I have for you.

Thank you for letting me be your Papa" he pulled out the bracelet putting it on her , the gems sparkled and the bracelet fitted into her.

She hugged him " thank Papa , I promise to never take it off or lose it " , Lea and Gina were emotional and had tears running down they cheeks.

" you just had to throw a long emotional speak did you " Cyrus said looking up so he's own tears don't fall down " are you crying?" Miles asked " no dummy something is in my eyes " he said wiping the tears away and they all chuckled.

" you know you can't have cake this early right princess?" Caden asked and she nodded " good let's get you back to bed , I know you stayed up playing games last night " , " games ?" , " yes there is a game room in the house " , " what?" , " you still haven't toured your own house ? I am ashamed to call you my sister " she threw a shoe at Miles and they all laughed.

Lea and Caden put Bella back to sleep " you didn't tell me you had such gifts for Bella " , " I wanted it to be a surprise just like yours " he pulled out a small box giving it to her.

" Father made it , he gave it to me the day he passed " she opened it and it was a small diamond ring.

She gasped " he created the diamond himself, father had gifts he hid from everyone but me , the diamond changes colour when you're upset or angry, and it turns purple if you're pregnant " he took the ring out.

" This ring is a symbol of my love for you , I hope you can lean on me and never be in fear as long as I am here , I vow to protect you and our loved ones , my soul is yours till we meet again in the heavens , I thank the Goddess for making you mine and hope I do my due diligence to keep you happy , safe and protected, may I learn everyday new ways to love you so I never tire you " he slid the ring in and the ring turned red.

He smiled " someone is happy " he pulled her in " I love you Lea " , " I love you too" she started crying.

" Hey hey what's wrong?" , " the ring it keeps turning purple then red " she turned her hand showing him and he chuckled cupping her cheeks " isn't that just perfect " , " Caden" she said hitting his elbow.

" I am sorry but we were both in heat and I knotted in you more than once , I knew there is no way we're getting away from this one " , " then why did you have unprotected sex " she hit him multiple times and he hugged her.

" sweetheart its like 2am , people will think you are abusing me " she hit his back and he chuckled cupping her cheeks.

He kissed her forehead, then her eyes , then her nose , then her cheeks, then connected his lips to hers kissing her gently.

He kissed down her neck, " you smell and taste so good how could I not " he nibbed her ear and she moaned.

He pushed the door to one of the rooms getting in with her , his hand running down in circles on her butt.

" your whole existence is a tease to me darling " he turned her around placing her ontop of the table he lifted up her night gown and her whole behind was facing him , he spanked her.

" " she moaned as he entered her , he pounded deep inside her Lea moaned in pleasure.

" fuck Lee " he went in faster as she locked him and they both came , both breathing heavily trying to catch they breath.

" I fucken love you " he said pulling out of her kissing her forehead " I love you more " they hugged.

" water?" , " mhhh" he switched on the lights noticing they were in the Game room , he walked to the mini fridge and got water.

He walked to Lea and paused " something is in here " he gave her the water " what do you mean?" , " Bella she wasn't alone when she was here something was in here with here " , he sniffed following the scent out of the window.

He looked out noticing you can see his room from the window " he was watching us " , " what ? " Lea walked to him looking at the window "that's our room and he was standing here " , " why ?" , " he can't go to our room " , " what do you mean ?" , " this is the only room he could enter because this is the only room my father didn't make , all the other rooms are sealed and made from his power , he was able to get in here because Bella let him in but this was the only room he could enter so he watched us from here ".

" how do you know Bella was the one who let him in?" , " she's the only one who can bypass my shield and she's the only one who can invite him in , Peter can't come in once I shield the house not even the elders can only you , Bella and Miles can " , " I am g.." , " leave her, as much as she's just a child Bella knows what she's doing, I know you've seen what will happen today , so have I and so has she , maybe its her way of saying goodbye, let's go " he closed the window switching off the light then walked out with her.

They went to bed and Lea fell asleep immediately, Caden was up he stood by his window looking at the shadow in the game room , he knew he was watching and he let him.

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