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By the time it was night time , Lea had passed out. Caden lifted her up and moved them to his chambers.

Before he could walk out Lea screamed and he jumped holding her tightly " shhh I am right here " he rubbed her back.

She calmed down her eyes still shut but with tears running down her side.

Caden took off his clothes and decided to stay in bed with her.

This went on for hours she'd wake up , scream and fight him then fall back asleep.

It was now morning Caden hasn't slept one bit , he jumped up when he felt her move.

She looked at him confused " what's wrong? Why do you look tired?" He smiled " nothing , do you remember what happened yesterday?" , " kinda sorta why ?" , " that's good " he got up , she spotted marks on his arms , neck and back.

" what happened to you ? Why aren't you healing?" , " I am fine " he said getting a tshirt.

" did you fight with someone?" She got up and stood infront of him holding the shirt " no" , " then how did you get these ?" , he cupped her cheeks.

" you had nightmares all night " , " I did this?" He nodded , she moved back from him " I am sorry " she looked down , he took a step forward and she moved back he grabbed her wrist and moved forward.

" I told you to never run away from me " he lifted her chin up " and don't hide yourself from me " , " I hurt you " , " no you're hurting me now , these will heal but you closing yourself off from me won't " , " I don't want to hurt you " , " Lea I haven't complained not once ".

She slid down hugging her legs " I am just damaged , it's fine if you want to leave me" she rocked herself.

He lifted her up got her into bed and cuddled her from behind rocking them both.

" I am not leaving, you're not damaged you're mine , I won't go away no matter how far you push me , I'll be here loving you for both of us , just please don't ever say you're damaged " he rocked them up till they both fell asleep.

It was now the afternoon Lea was up , she placed a hand over Cadens bruises and they disappeared.

Caden opened his eyes just looking at her " what did you mean if you weren't marked you couldn't protect anyone? Did you have a vision?" , " mhhh let's go eat plus Bella must be worried ".

He pulled her to him " we share more than everything now , I know when you're lying to me Lea " , " I had a vision but it wasn't clear , I needed you to mark me so my visions can be clear as you know Galle is weak she can't do much on her own but with your mark and your Alpha blood she could heal and become stronger " , " did you see him? Was he in your head last night?".

She kept quiet " if you don't talk to me I can't help " , " yes he can enter my dreams " , " okay let's go eat " they got up took a shower and got dressed.

Once they were done they went down to the kitchen and they started eating , Peter walked into the kitchen but turned around when he saw them.

" come back here " Caden demanded , he walked back and stood next to him nervously " you know I know right?" , " yes Alpha " Peter answered.

" like before I won't say anything , I know he's planning something for tomorrow,  I won't ask you anything nor will I make you choose side , you will do that yourself , you are my brother , I don't know what he has on you but if you can't trust me to protect you , there is nothing I can do to help,  I'll do anything to protect my pup and mate even if it means killing my brother" he got up and placed the dishes in the sink and walked out with Lea.

As soon as they got out Bella ran to them " mommy are you okay? Did it hurt ?" , " I am fine sweetheart " , "papa are you okay? Did mommy hurt you?" , " I am fine princess , what have you been up to ?".

Bella told her parents about what she had been doing , how she spent time at the werewolf school today , how she spent her day with Nia.

" who is Nia?" , " my Nanny" , " you hired yourself a Nanny " , " no papa did" , " I did " she nodded with the brightest smile on her face.

" mhhh I think we should meet Nia before you can call her your Nanny but why would you need a Nanny we're going home aren't we?" , " No" , " No?" , " I want to stay here with Papa and go to school here where children won't bully me and make fun of me for being different " , " you were being bullied? Wh.." , " I won't go back!" She ran off and before Lea could run after her Caden held her back.

" leave her,  you can talk to her once you've both calmed down " , " where is Miles " , " right behind you" Miles voiced coming behind them.

Lea looked at him confused " werewolf senses that's how I heard you " he said standing infront of her " why didn't you tell me she was being bullied? And why does she say she's different?" , " Lea you had alot on your plate , I had everything under control".

" you hid what my child had been going through all these years and you're telling me I had alot on my plate? I am her mother I should've been there for her !" Lea shouted and the ground cracked Caden wrapped his arms around her waist and she calmed down.

" calmed down love , look at the ground" Lea and Miles both looked down , Miles was stuck if he moved the ground under him would surely fall and he would fall into it too.

" Lea what did you do! All I ever did was try to protect you!" The ground cracked open where Lea and Caden both stood.

" Miles calm the fuck down ,both of you just calm down before you bury us all " Lea looked down at where she was standing.

She put a hand out pointing where Miles was standing and the ground closed up,  she did the same where they were standing.

" she is my daughter,  I deserved to know everything she was experiencing just like I deserved the truth about our parents and myself,  maybe if you'd have stopped thinking things by yourself and bought me back here home , what had happened 6 years ago wouldn't have happen , I wouldn't have been this broken girl that you need to always be protective".

She walked away from them , " she's just upset don't take it to heart Miles " Caden voiced , " but she's right " Miles voiced and walked back to his house.

Alpha's abused mateWhere stories live. Discover now