Donnies In The House

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"Hello Rise Donnie here." R Don greeted.

"And the 2012 Donnie." Beanpole jumps into frame.

"This is Mutant Mayhem Don and you're reading 'Ask The Space Cats'." M Donnie announces.

"Ask or dare us and we'll do it all!" R Donnie exclaimed.

"Within reason of course. Nothing too wild, ok?" 12 Donnie intervenes nervously.

"Just leave your thoughts in the comments and we'll answer you as soon as we can." M Donnie informed the camera.

"And cut. Great work guys." 03 Donnie stops recording with his camera.

"Thanks for recording, cinnamon roll." M Donnie smiles.

"No problem." 03 Donnie replied.

"Hehe, soon I'll be the most popular turtle in the world. Then finally achieve my dream of becoming a popstar." R Donnie sings out.

"Yeah! Band of the Space cats for the win!" M Donnie cheered.

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