mystical meeting - 001

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Zoro walked to the lake from his training with his wooden sword in hand. He was quite upset about how he kept getting beaten again and again when his dream was to become the world's greatest swordsman.

He sat on the end of the wooden bridge, hanging his legs off the bridge as he gazed solemly at the frogs hopping from one pad to the other. 

He was too focused on them and he noticed one of the lily pads that contained a beautiful lotus flower blooming on it was moving toward him slowly.

He was confused, looking at the lily pad that slowly stopped in front of him. A head suddenly appeared from under the lily pad, lifting it as the figure from underneath revealed itself.

It was a stunningly gorgeous girl who peaked her head to the surface, making eye contact with Zoro who retracted his legs when he made eye contact with the unknown girl. 

The girl had silky smooth snow-white hair that flowed behind her as she poked her whole head out from the water. Her ocean blue eyes reflect with his greyish-colored eyes.

Zoro could see that she wasn't human, she had siren's earfins as her ears but when she popped out from the water - it retracted and turned into human ears. He couldn't help but think how gorgeous the creature in front of him was as she stared at him in confusion.

"U-Um... hi?" He exclaimed, the girl's eyes widened when she realized that Zoro was a human. She tried going back underwater but Zoro quickly called out to her.

"Hey! Wait!"

"I won't hurt you..." He reassured her putting down his wooden sword and raising his hand, convincing the creature.

"I'm Roronoa Zoro, what's your name?" He asked, leaning closer to the end of the bridge - making it easier to hear the creature's name. 

She didn't respond at first but when she studied the look on Zoro's face she was later then convinced that he didn't mean any harm to her.

"Hatsugyo Kairi..." She muttered, smiling slightly as she built up to courage to poke her neck out further out to the surface.

"Nice to meet you, Kairi. Let's be friends?" Zoro questioned making the mermaid tilt her head in confusion.

"Friends? What's that?"

"It's when two strangers play a lot with one another. You can trust that person and that person trusts you too." Zoro explained.

Kairi shyly lowered her head, muttering a yes as the two children smiled at each other.


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