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Chapter 2866: It's Not up to You

Although there was a lot of jade in the raw jade materials, it didn't mean there must be jade in the stolen ones. However, she heard their conversation by chance.

The man panicked a little, but still refused to admit it. "It doesn't mean anything. Do you have evidence?"

"Right, show us the evidence!" Another man chimed in.

"Even if I don't have evidence, I can still punish you. Do you think I care about that now? I don't lack money. I'm sure that no one will know it if I kill you right here, so don't even try to cross the line." Gu Ning sneered with killing intention in her eyes, putting pressure on them.

In an instant, the two men felt incredibly stressed and threatened.


Who was this girl? How could she be so powerful at such a young age? She couldn't be an ordinary girl since she easily beat them.

"It's illegal to kill us," said a man. Although he didn't think Gu Ning would really kill them, he wasn't too sure.

As a result, he was still a little scared.

"Illegal? Isn't it illegal for you to steal my stuff? You're good at fighting. Why don't you do something legal? Why did you become thieves? I don't think you're good people. Perhaps the police can get more evidence about your illegal deeds after we get to the police station!" said Gu Ning, feeling them out.

When Gu Ning said that, the two men were nervous because it was true that they had done many bad things before.

Seeing their reaction, Gu Ning was sure that she guessed correctly.

"If you have really done many illegal things before, do you think you can survive this time?" Gu Ning asked. "I changed my mind now. I don't want your money. I prefer to send you to the police station instead. If you have broken the law many times, I think you should be put in jail according to the law."

Gu Ning suddenly realized that she shouldn't let them go if they were really criminals.

"You..." Hearing that, the two men were mad. They were reluctant to go to the police station. Therefore, they exchanged glances and made their decision.

"Fine, we can pay you a hundred million yuan. As long as you let us go, we won't steal your raw jade materials again," said the man.

They had done many illegal deeds, so a hundred million yuan wasn't much for them. It was only half of their savings.

If they lost the money, they could just make it again. After all, they stole her raw jade materials first and were only caught later.

On the other hand, it would be difficult for them to get away with it once they were arrested by the police, because they clearly knew how serious the illegal deeds they had committed were.

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