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Chapter 2186: I Prefer to Use Violence

The two people wondered whether they were caught because they had damaged the Pavilion of Magic yesterday. Although they did more bad things as gangsters and they also had many enemies, it happened that they had just damaged the Pavilion of Magic yesterday and were caught this morning. Therefore, they believed it must have something to do with the Pavilion of Magic.

However, they thought that they had disguised themselves so well yesterday so they shouldn’t have been exposed right away. Therefore they weren’t really sure it was because of the Pavilion of Magic.

Nevertheless, they were unwilling to admit their crimes, so they didn’t ask about it. They did ask why Gao Yi and Qiao Ya caught them, but Gao Yi and Qiao Ya refused to tell them the reason and only told them to wait.

In a while, there would be someone to interrogate them, so they wondered whether to tell the truth later.

Facing that dilemma, the two men hesitated to make a decision. They valued professional ethics even in this illegal industry. They couldn’t betray the person who hired them after they were caught, or nobody would dare to hire them in the future! However, they were just punks and didn’t adhere to professional ethics. Besides, the people they met this time were so strong. If they didn’t tell the truth, they could be beaten and disabled.

And if they were beaten and disabled, they would be unable to do anything in the future. Therefore, they were scared and hesitated to make a decision.

Before Gu Ning came, the two men were suffering every moment.

Finally, Gu Ning arrived at 1:30 pm.

As soon as they saw Gu Ning, the two men felt she looked familiar, but couldn’t remember where they saw her, so they whispered to each other.

“This girl looks a little familiar.”

“I have the same feeling, but I can’t remember where I saw her before.”

“I don’t know why, but I somehow feel panicked when I see her.”

“Do you like her?”

“Stop joking! I’m scared stiff right now.”

“You can’t! It’s just a girl.”


The man who felt panicked didn’t know why he had that feeling.

Once Gu Ning came, Qiao Ya and Gao Yi got out of the car and opened the car’s back door.

As Gu Ning walked closer, the man who panicked after seeing Gu Ning started to get his memories back. He rounded his eyes in fear and shock. “G-G-G…”

The man remembered Gu Ning, because Gu Ning was very popular on the Internet these days, especially after the establishment of the Shengning Organization.

He had also read the news, but Gu Ning looked different in the flesh from the photos, so he failed to recognize her at first glance.

Right now, he recognized her, but he was terrified. When did they offend Gu Ning?

“Who? Who is it?” The other man felt scared after seeing the man’s reaction. It seemed this girl was very influential, but he still couldn’t recognize her.

“It seems you know me.” Gu Ning gave the man an evil smile, then asked, “Tell me, who paid you to damage the Pavilion of Magic?”

“The boss of the Fairy Flower Shop paid us to damage the Pavilion of Magic.” The man blurted it out. Since it was Gu Ning who caught them here, he shouldn’t hesitate to make the decision any longer, because they couldn’t mess with Gu Ning at all. Otherwise, they would be unable to bear the consequences of failure.

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