Chapter 14 - The Prince's POV

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"Welcome to the School for Good and Evil," said the nicer of the two heads.

From his seat next to beastly Beatrix, Tedros could feel her cat-like topaz eyes looking right at him. Tedros determinedly looked towards the front, suddenly very interested at the dog with two heads called Castor and Pollux.

What Tedros found odd was that all of the Ever boys were busy casting admiring glances and ogling Beatrix. Were they all truly that shallow? Sure Beatrix was gorgeous - there was no denying that. But Tedros had enough experience in the past (from girls flinging themselves at him) to know that Beatrix was just like all the rest. Could they truly not see that?

But still, though Tedros knew that Beatrix was no match for him maybe she was a match for one of the princes ogling her.

Instead, that was why he was drawn to Agatha, the raven haired girl. Yes, Tedros had finally learnt the girl's name, from the little rose incident. He was too far away too hear what she said but the Blonde girl had spat her name at Agatha towards the end of her sentence. Tedros' anger flared up when Agatha drew away, hurt by whatever comment was said.

The Prince still had absolutely no idea as to what had happened. Who was the blonde girl who tried to catch his rose? How did Agatha know her and why was she so upset by whatever the first girl said?

Yes, obviously the blonde girl had temper issues and was a clearly a Never, it was completely understandable that a Never could say something nasty and hurt an Ever girl but it looked and felt personal.

Tedros never wanted to see Agatha hurt like that again.

Tedros almost smacked himself in stupidity. He was here to have fun, not be serious and tied-down! Camelot was looming straight after his graduation at the School for Good and Evil so he had to make the most of his new-found freedom here.

Tedros was here to flirt with girls, have fun with his mates, be responsibility-free and get detention without being a disgrace to his kingdom. Maybe even pull a prank or two.

Which is why Tedros decided to take action on his plan. Step one: flirt with girls. Conveniently enough, there was one right next to him, who was dying for his attention.

He turned to Beatrix, who's eyes immediately lit up after acquiring the Prince's attention as she scooted closer to him, though it seemed impossible given their close proximity already. Tedros almost sneezed as the stench of over-sprayed perfume overwhelmed him, the chemical practically dusting his eyes as he breathed through his mouth instead of his nose. Nonetheless Tedros soldiered on with what he planned to do.

"Hey." Tedros whispered, his mouth close to her ear. "My name is Tedros, you?" He knew that she full well knew who he was, but introducing himself showed the girl that he was interested in her (Tedros never understood this but it always worked without a fail).

In some way like that; Tedros only knew half of this stuff because of the number of girls who had tried their luck on him. Otherwise, he would have been like any other clueless guy, just a more handsome one, the Prince concluded.

"Hey," the girl said in a flirty tone. It almost sounded like a cat purring and it didn't help that she was batting her lashes as much as possible. Tedros almost laughed.

"What's your name?" He enquired, making sure to flash her a grin.

The girl leant forward and proceeded to tell him her name, "My name is -"


Tedros and Beatrix snapped back to the front with a jolt to see the rabid head (called Castor) now talking. Tedros looked around and was glad that he wasn't the only one who was scared, though he didn't show it.

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