32 | my girl is waking up

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Gavis POV:

„i would say bad new first?", kai said.

we all started fidgeting with our fingers while being stressed what the doctor is about to say.

„so the bad news are that the accident caused a lot of problems in her chest, but there are medicaments she'll have to take for a few... years until is fully heals", the doctor explained.

we all stood shocked there, not knowing what to say.

„and the good news?", aleyna whispered.

„she's going to wake up in a few hours, you can visit whenever you feel ready", the doctor said.

i looked at kai which already was looking through the room and than his girlfriend, all chill. no reactions.

why is she even here?

„one question tho", ciara said.

dog is speaking up, listen..

the doctor nodded and she asked her question.

„the medicaments, how much do they cost?", she asked.

why the fuck would u ask that?

does she think we wont buy them if they were expensive? i would give anything just to see kiana healthy and happy. i don't care how much it would cost me.

„i'll give the papers to mr. hernandez", she kindly replied.

kai nodded.

i cant stand her at all, i don't want her to be here.

the doctor left now and it was only us Standing there.

„ill go visit her", i said walking away.

i heard kai, aleyna, ciara and pedri walking and whispering behind me.

when we entered the room and went straight to her bed and sat next to her and holding her hand.

amor, we are here, with you", i whispered.

aleyna took a chair and sat on the other side of the bed.

she started staring at kiana.

„she doesn't deserve this, she looks so sweet and innocent", she said and to be honest i even saw her eyes watering.

thats what i call a person with a good heart. Aleyna doesn't even know kiana but still cries because she cant see her like this.

they're friendship would be gold worthy.

„she'll be happy when she wakes up and see you", i said.

„you think?", she now looked up to me.

„yes, she was very exited when pedri talked about you", i said smiling while i thought about the moment if yesterday.

*4-5 hours later*

When i opened my eyes, i had a quick pain in my neck. It was the not comfortable position i was laying.

i lifted my head up and looked around. On the opposite of me i saw aleyna laying her head on the bed, asleep.

while pedri and kai fell asleep on the chairs, their heads on the little table.

but there was no ciara?

i looked at the clock and it was almost 6am.

i heard a door and then ciara walked in.

she had coffee in her hands and was styled like she was at home, which she definitely was.

she didn't sleep here.

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