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We left shortly after the phone call

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We left shortly after the phone call. We couldn't stay any longer. I was now 99% sure Ryder killed Everest, which meant we could prove Chase innocent. I honestly didn't give a shit about anything else, all I cared about was Chase.

Marshall and I pulled up to the jail without any plan whatsoever. There weren't any police cars nearby, so Chase was alone. "Marshall, the floor in the prison is made of dirt. We've got to dig into the building." Marshall looked as though he was getting ready to protest, but he didn't end up saying anything, and we got to work.

I was covered top to bottom in dirt in no time at all. I was pretty good at digging holes but this was the biggest one I've ever dug. Marshall and I resurfaced in the jail after a while. My eyes met with a startled Chase. "Skye, what are you doing?" I was about to answer when Marshall butted in. "Busting you out of here." I saw the expression on his face. I knew he was going to recite a speech about how he couldn't come with us and it's best if he stays and shit like that, but I knew I couldn't let him stay. I prepared for the most important argument of my life. "You saw it didn't you?" Was what he asked instead. I knew what he was referring to. "Yeah, we did. And Ryder bought the Penetrobalia." This caught Chase off guard. "What?! Ryder?! That can't be right." I nodded vigorously. "It is. It's not safe at the lookout anymore so we're leaving town until we can sort things out, and you're coming with us." He thought about it for a second before signalling to the wall. Key's right there." I attached it from the hook on the wall and fumbled with it for an embarrassingly long time before freeing him. "Thank you. I hate that cell." He sighed, relieved. "Now let's the out of here before the cops show up."

We hit the road instantly. There was a small city called Sudbury 75KM away from Adventure Bay. Chase didn't have his cruiser so he rode with me on my helicopter. I was so glad he complied with us. I was so glad he chose life. But I also knew that we weren't out of the woods yet. The story of Everest's murder went viral, we were practically celebrities. After the word gets out that Chase escaped, he was sure to be caught if seen out in the open.

Chase and I took turns driving the helicopter. It took us about an hour to get to Sudbury. It was a whole lot bigger than adventure bay, there were real fast food restaurants, and the biggest hotels I've ever seen. 

We settled for a hotel called Hampton Inn and Suites since they were the only pet friendly place around, and we were apparently pets. We bought the most expensive room available for 3 nights. We hoped to have enough evidence to arrest Ryder by then.

"Wow." Was all I could say when Chase opened the door to our room. This was the biggest bedroom we've ever seen. There was a huge bathroom, a couch, a TV, and two king sized beds. "Ryder has millions of dollars, and yet we still sleep on the floor in our vehicles!" Marshall complained, and I couldn't help agreeing with him. Marshall explored every last corner of the room, and Chase went straight to bed. I joined him in an instant. "Tired?" I asked. "I couldn't sleep in that cell." He grumbled, his eyes were already shut, and he was drifting off to sleep. I grabbed his paw when I thought he was completely asleep."I missed you so much." I whispered. His lips formed a small smile, and he squeezed my paw tightly, and pulled me into a hug, the position we often fell asleep in. "I missed you too."

When we woke up, it was dark outside. Marshall was watching a show that he probably shouldn't have been watching, and I was still latched onto Chase.

"Marshall how long have you been awake for?" I asked, sitting up and rubbing my eyes. I felt so refreshed after finally getting a good night's sleep. Or good day's sleep. "Relax, it's only 2:15." Marshall replied, nonchalantly. My eyes widened. Had we really been asleep for that long? It was early afternoon when we got here. And now we weren't tired and it was 2:15 in the morning. I looked over at Chase who had just sat up. "What do you wanna do?" I asked. "Let's go somewhere quiet."

By somewhere quiet, I didn't know he meant the roof. It was about 300 feet to the ground from all the way up there, and the cold night breeze slapped my face. We had gotten up there by taking the fire stairs. I had never been on stairs before, but I can say now that I don't recommend them. Too much walking.

Chase sat down near the edge of the roof and looked down at the city lights. Instinctively, I sat down next to him. "I hate cities," he spat. "So dangerous, and so loud." Personally, I loved the city, but I kept quiet. Although I did have another question on my mind. "What made you change your mind?" I asked, out of nowhere. "Huh?"  Was all I got in return. "In that letter in your pup house, you seemed so certain that you were going to die in there. I thought you weren't going to come with us when we busted you out. What made you change your mind?" Chase made a clicking sound with his tongue, like he was preparing to give a speech. "I guess I realized I wasn't making the right choice. I want to be there for you and your pups, I just thought I had to frame myself. And trust me, I had a lot of time to think about it in that cell. I realized it didn't have to be that way, and I thought it was too late. That's why I was so quick to join you when you dug yourself into the jail. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, it just me a while to realize that."

I really wish I had a way to respond to that, but I couldn't form the words. I leaned into him, and placed my head on his shoulder. For a while, we looked on at the city below us. "What's that?" I asked pointing to a figure on a rooftop nearby. It was a person. "It's holding something." Chase noted. My heart rate spiked as I realized whatever it was holding was pointing in our direction. A loud BOOM pierced my ears. "Oh my god!" Chase yelled. I followed his gaze to a small hole in the wall that had just appeared almost directly behind us. 

""Run!" I screamed and Chase scooped me up, placed me on his back, and made a dash for the stairs. I jumped off his back to let him stand on his hind legs and swing open the door. We rushed inside and slammed the door behind us.

The moment of shock quickly passed, and realization swept over us. "Skye," Chase squeaked. "Was that Ryder trying to shoot us?"

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