Guilt and Sadness

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Thank you to obamacheese1 for helping with these next two chapters

Thank you to obamacheese1 for helping with these next two chapters

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Everest was poisoned. Murdered. I stared expressionlessly at the wall, not surprised at all. This was exactly what I expected. Everest had way too many secrets on other people. One of these days someone was bound to get sick of it, and decide to do something about it. But it was a shame it had to end this way. I looked over at Skye to see how she was doing. Everest was her best friend, I could tell she was thinking about the safety of the rest of the pups as well. I slowly wandered over to her. She jumped off of Ryder's lap, and I nuzzled my body against hers to try to calm her down. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes and tried to break a smile. "She was my best friend, why did this have to happen to her?" she pressed her head into my chest to hide her face, I glanced back at Everest's body covered by a sheet on Katie's table. Seeing her motionless body made adrenaline rush through my body. "I'm gonna find whoever did this." I muttered, although this wasn't really on the top of my priority list. I turned back to the Skye, and she looked at me with concerned expression on her face. "Chase?" She mumbled. "Please don't do anything stupid." She managed to break out a small pleading smile but it faded after a few seconds. "Well," Ryder sighed. "We're gonna have to find out who did this before the news gets out. If the adventure city police force finds out about this, we won't be able to be a group anymore, they'll have to take over. If we don't find anything soon, we can kiss the PAW Patrol goodbye." The thought made my stomach twist. "Chase, I'm gonna need you to head up to Jake's mountain, and search the area for anything that could help us." Skye took a couple steps back, as though she didn't want me finding anything in there. "And Skye, you're gonna come with me." Our plan was put into motion, and I set off.

I was riding in the back of Ryder's ATV, with a huge lump in my stomach

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I was riding in the back of Ryder's ATV, with a huge lump in my stomach. I was relieved that I was able to pull off the act in the parlour, but I was afraid of what clues would be found at the top of the mountain. Chase was the last person I wanted up there, and if he found something, we would be over. What I was keeping from him was a huge burden for me, and I wanted to tell him myself rather than he finds out and disappears. I didn't know if she kept that camera, but I hoped that Chase wouldn't find it.

 I didn't know if she kept that camera, but I hoped that Chase wouldn't find it

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When I reached the top of the mountain, I knew exactly where to look. Jake's was staring at me from out the window, and he opened the door before I could knock. He was a mess. He was wearing the same wrinkled clothes as yesterday, his hair was a mass, and there were purple bags under his eyes. He held a large cup of coffee, and he stared down at me, his eyes only half open. My heart shattered at the scene, and guilt overcame me. "Sorry for your loss, Jake." I managed. He held his hand up and pointed towards the inside of the cabin. "I'm assuming you're here to investigate." He sighed, and led me in.

Jake plopped down on the couch, and I got to work. I checked the cupboard first, just a Jake would t know that I wanted to go straight to Everest's room first. I found Jake's medication, and some doobies wrapped in a sheet of paper. I opened it up, and it wasn't crack, just Sertaline. I also found a bottle of Spyritus Vodka. Everything else was just food and cocoa powder, nothing suspicious.

I checked in Everest's bedroom. I had never been in there before, so I was unaware of my surroundings. Still, I supposed a good sweep of the area would do just fine. She had a bean bag, and a dog bed, something I had longed for my entire life. I kinda just had to sleep on the floor in my pup house, with nothing but a blanket. She also had a TV, perched on top of a dresser. Everest didn't wear clothes, other than her toque and her PAW Patrol suit when needed, so I was weirded out by this. There were four drawers. I opened the first one, nothing. The second one had nothing either. After I opened the third one to find absolutely nothing, it was the fourth one, or I had just wasted my time. I opened it slowly, and freaking nothing. Come on! I was about to check somewhere else, when I turned back, and took one last good look at the room, when I noticed a lump on the left side of the dog bed. I kneeled down beside it, and lifted it up with my front two paws. It was a pebble. But there was something else. I empty sheet of paper. I stabbed at it with one of my claws, and dragged it out from underneath the bed. Maybe there was something on the other side of the paper. I tried my best to pick it up, but I ended up crumpling it. After I had done that, it was easy to flip it. There was indeed something on the other side. It was only two words. "Ded end." Huh? Ded? Whoever wrote this needs to learn how to spell. But if whoever decided to leave something like that there obviously wanted me out of that room, so I knew that there was something in there that was hidden. That's when it struck me. The bean bag! I ran over to it, and found the zipper. I unzipped it, holding it up so I wouldn't make a mess. I reached into it, and felt something cold and hard. I got a grip on it, and pulled it out. Everest's camera. I was afraid of what I would find on this camera, but it was exactly what I was looking for. What I did next wasn't the first illegal thing I've done in this cabin. I took the evidence that I had just found, and stuffed into my pup pack. I was going to steal it. 

Next, I headed to Jake's bathroom. I found face products, makeup, and the cheapest shampoo and body wash you'll ever see. His toothbrush looked messier than his hair, and I felt bad for snooping in here. I was about to leave, when something strange caught my eye.

The mirror wasn't completely nailed to the wall. It was only nailed in on two sides, and the left side was slid open a crack. I stood on the stool near the cupboards, and pulled the mirror open. A thin light blue book fell out of the mirror and onto the floor. The title contained one word. "Everest." I had found what I came for. Everything I needed was in my paws. I picked it up from the floor and tucked it into my pup pack. Nobody needs to see this. I couldn't believe I was about to pull this off, but I didn't feel any triumph. I felt guilt and sadness. I didn't want it to be this way, but this is what had to happen.

And I'm sure that soon you'll understand why.

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