Chapter 1: A Post-Coital Surprise - Pt. 1

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She mewled in her sleep, pressing her bottom back against him. His eyes nearly rolled back in his head as her thighs squeezed together, her core clenching reflexively as though determined to keep his cock precisely where it was currently buried in her cunt.

Not that he could've slipped it free if he'd wanted to. Not with his knot still locking them inescapably together. A pleased growl rumbled up in his chest and he buried his nose against the juncture of her shoulder, basking in her sweet, ripe scent.



Sleep relented slowly, hindered by the deliciously achy languor suffusing her body. Specifically, the delicious, full soreness lingering between her legs. She was surrounded by warmth; her still slumbering bedmate was curled around her, his arm draped possessively around her waist and his nose nuzzled contentedly against her neck.

Echos of the lewd, wet sounds and slick, tight drags as he'd taken her relentlessly from behind the night before warmed her thoughts, the memory of it sending a pleasant tingle down to warm her core. Her throat was still raw from the keens he'd forced from her throat as his pistoning cock sent her pitching into oblivion over and over.

Sighing, already considering if a second round was out of the question - unlikely, given how eager he had been to 'fuck you so thoroughly your legs will shake out from under you', she recalled with a pleased smirk -  she stretched, careful to do so without waking him just. . .

. . . only for the ache between her legs to flare painfully, causing her to hiss in surprise.

Surprise that quickly became alarm as she drew her outer leg forward from where it had been draped over the thickly muscled thigh he'd slotted between hers and tried to shimmy out of his arms. Her breath caught in her throat as she tried to pull away, her vision suddenly spotting and a delicious stretch that briefly crossed the thin line to painful flared, hot and sharp between her legs. The heat slowly beginning to pool behind her navel swiftly intensified into full-blown, achy need.

Behind her, her bedmate groaned softly, his hips rocking shallowly against her bottom. Her vision spotted again, a whimper dragging from her throat as the very solid, very thick length shifted within her, the overwhelming stretch intensifying. Tentatively, needing to know, she slid her hand south, her fingertips probing carefully over her overly-sensitive brush against a hard, unmistakable bulge lodged tight just inside her entrance. A bulge that was very unmistakably part of the cock of the man curled around her.

It was then that she understood.

And intrigue was suddenly warring with panic.

She'd already gathered from the warm, pleasantly achy fullness between her legs as she'd woken that she'd fallen asleep with his cock still inside her. Truthfully, she didn't really mind that.

But she very much had not expected to wake up to find that his cock was quite literally stuck inside her.

His sleep-driven rocking, shallow and hampered though it was given how securely they were locked together, had grown purposeful. Soon, she was panting heavily, clinging to his arms and clutching at the sheets as her release barrelled into her. Her body seized, her core fluttering and quaking helplessly around the engorged knot stuck within her and her mouth parted around a silent scream as his hand plunged between her legs, growling into her shoulder.

Bliss descended as his shallow thrusts slowed back to a more sedate, lazy rocking motion, his hand splaying possessively over her belly. She swallowed thickly, struggling to catch her breath as she tried to hook her leg back over his thigh, the press of his girth inside her too much for comfort otherwise. With a sudden, sharp series of jerks he stilled, grunting as he pulsed, hot and wet deep within her. She squirmed, whimpering, caught between discomfort as her cervix twinged from the pressure of his release and the most exquisite aftershocks she'd ever known as her overstimulated core fluttered and throbbed in time around him - at least that she'd been wholly conscious for, recalling how she'd effectively passed out from the force of her release the night before.

It was too much. She panted, utterly unable to move, her muscles too lax in the aftermath to comply. Not to mention the still very present and very literal obstruction still locking them together. Shudders wracked through her frame, her core still fluttering around his cock as it continued to pulse and spill within her.

"You may as well go back to sleep, pet. We're going to be here a while." She nearly shrieked, caught off-guard by the deep, throaty growl next to her ear. She considered twisting around to glare at him, but between the length she was still impaled on making any sort of movement at once deeply uncomfortable and way, way too stimulating and her uncertainty that he was even awake enough to feel the full weight of it, she refrained.

"You could've warned me," she huffed irritably, nevertheless surrendering to cuddle back against his broad chest. He happily nuzzled his nose back into her hair, his arms once again tightening securely around her. He huffed.

"I did warn you. Told you to be very sure what you wanted, because if you came on my cock, you'd be mine." She stilled. He had said that, right before she'd demanded he get inside her and he'd obliged with brutal enthusiasm, the feral way he'd grunted and growled behind her only exciting her more. She had to forcibly remind herself to breath as the implications of not only his words, but of his knot inside her finally sank in.

"Oh God," she breathed, caught numbly somewhere between horror and a peculiar sense of rightness.

"Save it for when I fuck you again tonight, pet," he grumbled against her throat, voice rough and slurred. "In the meantime, go back to sleep." Swallowing back the panic slowly beginning the build over her revelation, she didn't think that was likely, her thoughts fighting desperately against the exhaustion starting to muddle her thoughts in order to process that she was now mated to the werewolf behind her.

But slowly, the steady thrum of his heart at her back and the soothing warmth of him surrounding and penetrating her overstretched, overstimulated body - and mind now, too - lulled her back into the state of blissful languor she'd woken in.

And finally, she surrendered to sleep once more.

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