Chapter 11

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The servants of the palace bustle with more energy than normal. Grins adorning their faces and shoulders justling with laughter. News spread like wildfire amongst the workers.

"Did you hear?" A servant asked, his eyes glinting at the chance to spread the news.

"That his highness and the hero were found sleeping in the study? Of course I did!" Cackled one of the culinary maids.

"They are already like an old married couple," giggled another.

"I was worried they would not keep each others hearts since this is a marriage orchistrated by the heavens," a senior butler smiled at the chattering workers. "But it seems that the gods know they are bound to be in love."

"I saw their chemistry in person," sighed Matilda as other servants looked at the hero's handmaiden for more information. "His highness calls for the hero every day, no matter how busy his schedule is. I have never seen him smile as much as he does when he is with Lady Asha. I'm certain soon after the royal wedding, we will have good news quickly!"

The crowd of servants bubbled with laughter. Sir Naz felt his own lips twitch as he strolled past the castle servants. It was a good move on his part to not wake the king and the hero. Because of that, the servants who came to look for the missing couple, were shocked to witness the king who was known as an early bird, resting with the hero slumbering on his side. The two beautiful people were indeed a sight for sore eyes.

"Sir, shall we awake his highness?"

"No, let the two sleep a bit more," he waved off the servants. "I will take over his highness's paperwork for the morning. He can review it later."

"Yes sir," the attendant nodded.

Sir Naz walked towards the kings study with a bounce in his step. He shook his head at the lecture he was sure to recieve after not waking up his liege. But, he grinned, it was worth seeing such a sight. And now all of the continent will know the king and his hero were at least very fond of one another. "I best tell Yulvia about this."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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