Chapter 1

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Asha huffed in the icy air of the Aga mountains. Below her feet lay the calamity of the continent, the dragon Regna. A beast who was the greatest scrouge of the Lasvious continent now nothing but a heap of flesh awaiting plunder.

Finally, Asha smiled at the setting sun in the west. I can finally fucking retire from this nonsense.

You see, our hero was not of this world. But was a regular person from Earth who- you guessed it- was a tired office worker making her way home when all of a sudden BAM-

She got hit by a big ass truck. (Whaaaaaat????) You may question yourself: How original. No doubt the weebs must be rubbing their chins like age old philosophers deciphering an ancient piece of literature.

She wished more than anything to retire to the castle she had been gifted by the previous ruler, King Jangu, from winning her first siege against the looting goblins that had squatted in the ancient ruins of Balthasta. It was after that gruesome bloody battle in pitch black darkness of the caves, the hero blinked at the sudden brightness nearing her tired form.

The white fog spoke, "Deafeat the dragon Regna. Then I shall grant you your greatest desire. But heed my warning hero. Should you fail, the world of Carsta, and every being living here, will be destroyed." And as sudden as it had appeared, it disappeared.

She spent six years in total in this mystical world known as Carsta. Her body had seen her through countless battles. Scars-faint and fresh- were the evidence of her struggles surviving against beasts she could never even imagine herself fighting against when on she was on Earth. And finally- finally!- she reached the dragon Regna's domain after days of fighting horrid monsters in the vast beast plains. And she had defeated the great scrouge of the continent after a huge battle. She was left to think of a future she had previously not had the liesure to ponder.

What is my greatest desire? She thought to herself, wiping the dragon's blood off of her greatsword. For a while after being reborn in this world, she thought her burning desire was to return to Earth. Where she was bound to work for her blood sucking company in a long servitude until retirement age of 70 (yes, her country had deemed the elderly fit for service).

The hero stopped in her tracks, looking out of the Bathasta ruins, at the vast beast plains. And she had an epihany. Wait... Why do I have to go back to that?

As a hero she could enjoy her spoils of battle. A huge castle, boundless land, hundreds of servants, food and leisure at the tip of her fingers. Why should she give all of that up for some lame corporate job?

"Alright then," she clapped her hands in the crisp morning air. And after inhaling deeply, yelled, "I've made my wish! I want to live a life of unimaginable luxury, in my own castle, with my own servants, hell, even a hot husband would be the cherry on the cake! Grant my wish O great fog! ... Please, ahem." She finished, blushing slightly at the last minute add on she shouted.

Yes, at aged 30, she had never even fell in love before, as embarassing as it was. In her previous world she was swept up with studying her ass off then landing a soul draining job which left no time aside for romance. Even after opening her eyes in this new world, she was quick to realise it was a never ending cycle of fighting for her life with her new found strength (which was quite ridiculously over powered to be completely honest).

She had accomplished so much, surely she wasn't asking a god, who was supposidely omnipotent, for too much. Asha itched her head. Right?

As she began to set off on her long journey back to civilisation, the hero's plea was heard by the heavens. And one of the gods peered down from her celetial realm. The hero did not know it yet, but her wish was heard. And with a flick of this otherworldly being's wrist, the hero's wish was granted.

Hero's Retirement Doesn't Go As PlannedWhere stories live. Discover now