Chapter 4

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"Entering, the hero," as the servent introduced the hero, Mattius took in her appearence. Her long black hair was swept into a high ponytail. Dark, blue eyes blankly taking in the throne room as if looking at his admittedly grandeous decorations were boresome.

She was far more pretty than Mattius had anticipated. Were all heros so beautiful or was she the exception? The king pondered, but a look at his cowed, yet blushing ministers made him believe she was the outlier. He supposed if  he was to be married for the sake of his country's peace, it helped that his future wife was pretty.

"Ahem!" The servant cleared his throat. "You are all gathered here by order of his highness, the glorius sun of the empire, King Mattius. Yesterday evening, the saintess Yulvia Argento recieved an oracle." The nobles murmered lowly. "The heavens have proclaimed the hero known as Asha shall wed his royal highness, king Mattius, and bear the kingdom the future king of kings." The nobles were shell shocked. And even Asha's eyes widened a great deal in disbelief. "Therefore he- Ah, hero? Did you have something to say?"

Mattius had not taken his eyes off the woman who was written to be his bride. So he had not missed the hand gesturing at the servant to pause. The ministers were stunned however, that she would interrupt so. They pondered what she had to say. Something along the lines of how much of an honour it shall be to serve as a queen, Mattius rolled his eyes in his head but on the outside he was the picture of patience. But the hero's next words even left the king stunned.

"I cannot marry his highness." She rolled back her shoulders and stared down the priests and nobles, challenging them to question her.

There was a pause of disbelief. And then shouts of indignition. "W-What do you mean?!"

"The oracle clearly say-!"

"If we go against the oracle again then the kingdom-!"

"Let me reinstate what I just said." The hero now looked at the king. "I cannot marry his highness, King Mattius."

The ministers stood with their mouths gaping. Yulvia bit her lip to stop herself from laughing at the constipated look on Asha's face. Meanwhile the King in question himself, tapped his finger on his throne. His brow raised with a sense of intrigue. "Why ever not? Is there already a man in your life?" Mattius's tone had an amused tinge as he took in his retainers stupified expressions. "I assure you that as a king I am a better option than he." He gestured to himself. As if another man could dare contend with me, he huffed to himself. Jonas gave his king an irritated look as if reading his thoughts.

"I have no lover, your highness. I am simply the sword of this great nation." Asha blinked up at the bemused ruler. "And as such, I feel I am not qualified to bear an heir for the kingdom."

Mattius and the hero shared a long, drawn out look. The assembled nobles feared that the king would punish the hero for her brazenness. And then the king threw his head back laughing.

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