Chapter 8

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I woke up and looked around my surroundings. It was dark and it seemed unfamiliar. I tried to move but was abruptly stopped by a rope. I was tied to a chair. I struggled to break free. It was too tight around my waist and I was afraid my baby would get hurt.

Right then Siro's footsteps are heard in the distance. I stopped trying and my heart started racing. I felt the baby move around inside of me. Oh someone please help!

Siro came into the light wearing the same grin I saw before. "When we were tying you up I noticed your stomach. It's a surprise what a geek like you can manage to carry a baby because especially, you're a male." He chuckled. He held a long stick in his hand and he pointed it straight at my face. I gulped from being terrified.

He slowly let the stick travel lower down to my belly. He poked my belly with the stick repeatedly, poking harder every time. "No please stop!" I pleaded.

"Oh, you're afraid that something might happen to your baby," he mocked. He knelt down to be face to face with me. "Where's Haruto?"

"Like I'll ever tell you," I replied.

Siro grinned."I think you have to. Don't mess with me," he whispered sternly."Don't be stupid at a serious situation like this. Now let me ask again, where's Haruto?"

"You'll always be a weakling to everybody's eyes. You want nothing but pity from people." I managed to say. Siro's eyes became big as he stood up.

"I think you lost your chance in saving yourself and your baby. You're clearly stupid to answer my question without the proper answer." He stopped walking around. He looked at me straight in the eyes. "Take care of him." he commanded.

The two guys standing beside him rushed to me and cut the rope. I yelped and fought back. I lost my energy quickly from being too heavy with the baby. They kicked me continuously on the back, on the head, all over my body. I wrapped my arms around my belly to get it from being hit.

They turned me over and continued to beat me up. I started to taste blood in my mouth. My vision became black then back to reality. I felt nauseous. I started to loosen my grip of my stomach when suddenly, one of the guys got to my stomach.

They kicked all over now and I didn't have the energy to cover. I was frightened and hurt.

The Bully's Baby (Mpreg) (boyxboy) [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now