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As I walk with Rory to her room, I notice how short she is compared to me. She is quite a beauty. Then she looks up at me and looks away quickly. 

She seems shy but somehow very mean. Despite her stealing from us, the boss is impressed by her skills, yet he is still upset about it. I heard him talking earlier and apparently he has ideas for her. I look back down at her slightly.

"I know it's a crazy thing." I smile, then continue. "It's not everyday you get kidnapped by an angry mafia leader."

She just looks at me, confused. She then opens her mouth to speak. "Is this your way of starting small talk?"

I look away and rub the back of my neck, feeling embarrassed. "Sort of." I chuckle.

Rory then nods her head. "My names Matteo, but you can call me Matt if you want." I say.

"We are not friends you know that, right?" She asks.

My face saddens a bit. "Well not yet." I say a little cheerful. "Right," Rory says with a sigh.

"Tell me your name." I say already knowing. She stops. I look at her. "Are you trying to play stupid or what? Because I know good and damn well you know my name." Rory says.

I stay silent and just observe her for a minute. She raises her eyebrows jesturing for me to still answer. "I just wanted to get to know you is all since you'll be here for a while." I say.

She just shakes her head and begins to walk again. I then start to walk next to her. "Rory." She says with a sigh. I smile.

After a bit of walking and some turns we made it to her room. "Here." I say looking to her and opening the door. I hold it open for her and we walk in together. 

The room was simple with a huge window looking over the city. She had a simple bed with a black and white plaid blanket set with matching pillows. She also had a desk with a chair. The desk didn't have anything on it though. The boss doesn't trust her that much.

"So you like it." I ask as she walks around observing everything. She stops at a door and she walks in it. She walks out smiling. "I get my own bathroom?" She questions.

I smile at her cute question. "Yeah of course."

"Cool and yes I do like it." Rory tells.

"Good now I should get going. You stay here and rest. The boss with send me later to come get you for dinner. Okay?" I tell her.

"Okay." She complys.

I smile at her then I go to leave. I grab the door handle and start to close the door. She then says. "Thanks," She pauses "Matt." I smile and close the door. I think having her here will be fun. She seems to have a nice personallity so far.

I then walk away from her do and g back to Adonis' office.


I walk through Adonis' office door and see him on the phonewith someone. He is sitting in his chair with his feet propped up and leaned back in his chair. He finished talking on the phone and places it down back in the box. It was a wired phone.

Adonis fixes his posture and puts his legs down then gets out of his chair. He than walks to the front of his desk and crosses his arms leaning against his desk.

With a stern voice he asks "So, Did she cause any problems?"

I take in afresh breathe and say "No, she was great. She actually talked to me for a bit."

He furrows his eyebrows. "Don't go getting attached. She is here for a small while until she pays me back for the shit she took. Got it?"

"Yes sir." I reply.

"Good now leave me be until I need you again." Adonis ordered. I then leave his office and go hang out with some of the other guys that work here. 

After a while we hang out and I ended up falling asleep on the couch that sits in the break room.


I had fallen asleep on my new bed. My eyes slowly ponder open. I lay comfortably spread between the soft blankets. Once my eyes are fully open, I notice someone sitting in a chair in the corner of the room.

I sit up real fast once I realize. I stay silent, staring into his eyes.

He smirks. "Hello, princess."

"Adonis?" I question.

His smirk disappeared. The muscles in his jaw moved. He tilt his head a little to the left. He didn't seem angry at all. His face was calm and observant.

"What did I tell you?" He asks

I shift my body, realizing what he meant. I shake my head at how stubborn he is about this whole sir calling thing.

"Come on, princess. Don't make me wait." Adonis says, raising his eyebrows a bit.

His eyes stay upon my own. Why does he sound so seductive? Like he has a different meaning behind it this time.

"Sir?" I say.

His little grin comes right back once I speak. Adonis then stood up out of the chair and made his way towards me.

I was sitting on the bed with my legs dangling off the side. As I watch his walk towards me, I notice his nice broad shoulders and his strong frame. He was quite handsome for someone who comes off as a dick head.

Adonis is now in front of me. He is looking down at me. His eyes lingered across me, observing. The knuckle of his middle finger trailed circles around my knee. He kept his eyes down watching his hand. What is he thinking? Adonis then breaks the silence and says "Your such a good girl for me, Princess."

I scoff and look away. His knuckle stops and moves away from my knee. I keep my eyes away from him. I am not his little play thing. Good girl ughhh, why does it send shivers down my spine? I don't want it to. I don't want to be here any longer.

Adonis then grabs my chin and turns my head towards him. He then just observes me for a minut. I just stare up at him. His hands feel rough against my chin. "You're very stubborn, Princess." Adonis says.

I wait to reply. Then I say "Don't call me that. I have a name."

His hand leaves my chin. He then walks to the door and his hand is then placed on the knob of the door. He looks down then back at me. "I know that." Adonis replied.

"So stop-" I began but Adonis interuppted me. "Later, Princess."

He then opens the door and looks to me one last time. I look at him with a fumming look. Once he leaves I let out an anger sigh "UGGGHHH, Why does he call me that? I'm far from being a princess."

Maybe thats his way of messing with me. To get under my skin or humilate me, Just for his amusement. 

If I'm going to stay here I need a plan or something. I can't let him get to me. He seems to be an alpha male, so I need to kepp my cool and not get him angry. Normal males are decent and don't get that upset over stupid shit but I making a MAN upset is a whole nother level of anger.

I hope this won't be a shit show while I'm here. Fuck it, I need to clear my head. I should read until they need me.

This it's self will be it's own story. I just hope the next page will be good.

Adonis is such a mystery. 

Word Count- 1322

AHHHH I am super duper excited for this. I really love writing. Especially drama and love. I Will try to keep writing more but I Have been a little busy lately and everytime I wanna write I just get tired and I'm not properly motivated. But today I felt like writing a bit.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2023 ⏰

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