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Narrator/ Third person-

Rory Dawson was born in the Bronx in New York. Her mother gave birth to her in a bathroom, then later on taken to the hospital. Rory grew up in foster care until she turned 18 years old. Rory's parents died when she was young. They had died from an overdose of fentanyl. She was 8 years old. She's the one that found them. Rory hasn't spoken much since then, only when she's around friends. Rory didn't have any next of kin, so when the police came that night. They announced her parent's death and her beginning. They put her in the system. She bounced from home to home. Rory was a small, frail thing growing up, so it was very easy to pick on her. By the time she was 16, she started to workout and try to be strong. She gained weight and started to bulk. The other boys and girls picked on her. She didn't care.

Rory is now 19, trying to live. She lives in an abandon building in New York, just on the edge of Wall street. She learned to pick pocket people when she was in foster care. So when she finally left, she was living on the streets trying to survive. She met people, and she sells the things she picks from pockets to them. Rory goes unnoticed and does it with such grace. If her parents ever gave her anything, it was her looks. Most people get distracted by her beauty, so they don't realize she's a thief and they're getting robbed. She didn't like being this way, but what did these people ever do for her? What did this world ever give her? Nothing but a shitty life. So shes making do with what she has. You'd do the same. 

Rich shitty arogant people roam all over Wall Street, so there are easy targets for Rory. All she has to do is sweet talk them and "boom!" All common idiot lawyer sense is gone, and so is there 1k watch. She would sell it for double that to some loser who wants people to think he's rich.

The sun shines just above the New York buildings. Rory's at it again, making her dough. She's smart. She never hits the same spot every day. She moves all over Wall Street and resets at the end of the week and begins again. She's trying to save enough money for a house, but living in New York costs a lot, and she can barely feed herself at times. 
Are you ready? 

Word count- 460

I know this is short but the rest of them will be long for sure.... Maybe around 2k as the shortest then 3k and maybe 4k is what i'm pushing for.

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