Author's Note/Interlude

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Hello lovely readers, first off I'd like to thank you all for taking the time to read this story. It means so much to me. Second, we're officially done with Philosopher's Stone. Yay! Now, you might've noticed that I upgraded it's age rating status to mature. This is because in chapters to come things will take a more mature level. Those of you who have been paying attention can probably guess one of the ways it will be due to hints dropped regularly. Now, do not worry about me portraying what will happen to Harriet during Uncle Vernon's rather sexist punishment of her gender as anything more than the horrible, disgusting, and — at least on my side of the pond, I'm not sure about on the British side since I don't know much about Britain and its culture — taboo act it is. It's going to get graphic, and will come back to bite Vernon Dursley in the arse when we get to Order of the Phoenix so stick with me. Now on to Year 2 Chamber of Secrets.

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