pax et Amor

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In a room inside CamHQ resides a resting Cameraman who is known as Camera Agent #007, he is currently resting due to a fight he instigated not long ago against the giant duo. Beside the bed he currently rests is an table full of flowers and 'Get Well' gift items on top of it, and on the other side of #007 bed is two agents watching over him...
These two agents is the CameraWoman who he gave a rifle too and TvWoman.

Though it seems the CameraWoman has physically changed, her camera head has completely changed into a different models with different lenses and her outfit is now all black in mostly leather clothes similar to the Tv Agents style of clothing

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Though it seems the CameraWoman has physically changed, her camera head has completely changed into a different models with different lenses and her outfit is now all black in mostly leather clothes similar to the Tv Agents style of clothing. Her gun is no longer strapped with her and is instead attached into her back as a sort of mounted rifle, seems like she had a pretty big upgrade for some time...
The two lady's are seen watching over #007 as were currently conversing with each other and seem pretty engrossed into their conversation.

TvWoman: *Chuckles* wow, you are very passionate about him. (^w^)

CameraWoman: *Blushes* well he is my saviour and idol after all...

TvWoman: Hmmm, wonder where I heard that before? (¬、¬)

TvWoman said with clear sarcasm in her voice.

CameraWoman: Oh shut it you!

TvWoman: *Laughs* sorry, sorry It's just that practically every other Camera agent I've ever met practically worships him. (>▽<)

CameraWoman: We might as well, everyone relies on #007. We all aspires to be like him, and he inspired me to use guns as my weapon. I never would have thought to have a affinity for firearms if it weren't for him.

TvWoman: Hm, I understand. I for one can't say much since I have only heard and seen a few of the feats he has accomplished. (>д<)

CameraWoman: Like what?

TvWoman: Like how I have heard he once solo'd an entire horde of skibidi toilets which included a few building sized toilets, he even fought G-toilet himself several times and would always win with G-toilet running away. (>w<)

CameraWoman: Well they are all true!
I even took a picture of him when he
destroyed an entire army of toilets once. Here!

CameraWoman then showed TvWoman a photo on her tablet of #007 in the middle of a horde and was covered in blood and oil with his surroundings covered in bodies and shattered ceramics of skibidi toilets with #007 aiming his old revolver at a bigger skibidi toilet, all in all the photo looked cool and TvWoman was in awe on how badass #007 looked.

TvWoman: Whoa!! He looks cool!(>0<)

CameraWoman: I know right! I was lucky enough to arrive just in time and snapped a pic of him in the middle of battle.

TvWoman: Its cool and all... But did you help him or just watch him fight?

CameraWoman: Of course i helped! Im not like those idiots who stand around a battle stupefied and watch the entire fight.

Agent SevenWhere stories live. Discover now