A Cracked Lens

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Its been another month since the war started... Both sides taking turns on whether who's winning or not, it wasn't even and the gap is far apart.
3 weeks ago the Titan CameraMan has been deployed to the battlefield and quickly evened the playingfield making quick work of multiple building sized skibidi toilets and even took out a boss level toilet.

He was sent to deal with the now names G-toilet in hoped to kill the menace, But... We underestimated him, with what looked like a even one on one quickly turned to two on one with G-toilet sending a rocket toilet towards the Titan and injuring him heavily forcing him to retreat. And just like that, the CameraMan's hopes were all flushed down the drain...

Except for one individual..

We see on GM City, Titan Cameraman fleeing as he just lost his left arm and his core is currently severely damaged. A group of CameraMan were watching the fight hapoen on top of a building, G-toilet spotted them and decided to kill them out of spite and glee. The group saw G-toilet appear in front of them and see him charging his laser eyes, the CameraMan saw no hope in escaping nor surviving and accepted their fate as G-toilet sadistically smiles while singing their annoying song...

???: Oi Jimmy!!!

G-toilet stopped and looked everywhere to see where that voice came from, until a shot rang out and G-toilet was shot in the side of his head by what looked like a blue plasma trail. Though unfortunately it didnt pierce and kill him, it did hurt G-toilet alot. Enraged, he looked down to see a lone CameraMan with a revolver aimed at him. The familiar looking CameraMan is #007 himself as he shot G-toilet with his gun to save the CameraMan's.

#007: Miss me buddy?

He mocked G-toilet, the toilet itself is downright livid that this... Pest, is here to ruin things for him again. He and #007 had encountered each other a few times before, and everytime they do, it would end with G-toilet fleeing in pain due to the overwhelming power that is his gun.
But this time, this time, he will not run. Another fight breaks out as #007 fires one,two, and three shots directly at G-toilet's forehead. It recoils back in pain but recover and immedietly fires a laser at #007, he dodges and rolls of to the side but see's the beam following him. He quickly runs and is trying his best to avoid getting caught in the beam but its slowly catching up, he quickly reloads his revolver and pulls back the hammer as he aims for one of G-toilet's eyes. G-toilet notices this and quickly closes his eyelids which stops its lasers as #007 shoots and a plasma bolt hits it's right eyelid and its immedietly winces in pain. #007 fires off even more bolts as G-toilet is slowly backing up as the bolts are now slowly getting to him. But, all of a sudden a building sized toilet that is just a few inches smaller than G-toilet came out behind him and started charging at #007. Annoyed at this, he starts shooting at the giant skibidi toilet which doesnt stop him no matter how many times he shoots. #007 then decides to shoots both of its eyes to temporaliy blind the toilet which he does, the skibidi toilet closes its eyes in pain but still charges forwards in his general direction. #007 then ran towards the toiler and when he got close, jumped high enough and landed on the toilet's tank and used both his arms to pull the flusher and flushed it. With the giant skibidi toilet not flushed, #007 looks around to see that G-toilet is nowhere to be seen.

#007: A Coward as always...

#007 curses G-toilet and hops off the tank of the giant skibidi toilet. He lands on the ground and looked around to see if there could potentially be any remaining stragglers or a potential ambush but see nothing. With the area being safe, he jumps to the rooftop the CameraMan group was and see if they sre alright, as he jump atop and lands he was immedietly bombarded with praise by the group with words suchs as how cool he was and how awesome he is to face G-toilet and a giant toilet alone, and a whole bunch of gratitude as well for saving their lives.

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