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Denver and I wore up early this morning and decided to go take a morning swim the water was cool and getting warm as the sun come out. I sat in between Denver legs.

"Want to tell me why you were so emotional last night I never saw u crying before".

"I'm not ready to talk about it I promise I'll tell you when I'm ready".

He kissed me on my shoulders then my neck "When ever your ready I'm always here for you", he whispers in my ears then kissed he I haven't had sex in along time and I'm constantly horny around him.

"Hmm Denver stop".


"I'm not having sex with you at the beach", I laughed getting up.

"Who said we were going to have sex I was just showing my queen some love", we kissed passionately giving me butterflies.

"So what you going to prepare me for breakfast".

"Me why can't you make me breakfast".

"Cause I ant to take you cooking", I smiled we finally made it to the house.

"I'll go take a shower first then make breakfast".

"Can I join".

"As in see me naked" I know we're adults but I'm not ready.

I looked at her face she was cute even when she's nervous I walked up to her she stepped back.

"I'm not ready to show my body's na get naked with you okay", I kissed her forehead calming her down.

"Take a deep breath I'll use the other shower", I held her chin up.

"Don't get me wrong I want to fuck you so bad, but sex is not everything we're not going to have sex until your complete ready, go take that shower", I slapped her ass I watch as it jiggle as she walk.

"She always keep hiding her body from me like she was shy but I know once she's get comfortable around me she's a complete different person.

"Denver can you come and help me", I walked into the room she had the towel around her body her skin was so clean and beautiful I stop to admire her.

"Denver", she called out angrily what was she angry about.

"Why you so angry Roxy".

"Why you put my bag so far knowing I can't reach it", she rolled her eyes I chuckled.

"Your clothes are in the draw ma calm down".

"Oh you could have told me", she tighter the towel around her.

"Roxy", I felt my sick twitch as she bend over showing her ass I walked out before I duck her senselessly.

Minutes later I heard her calling me from the kitchen with my breakfast pancakes, scrambled eggs and sausage with some sauce.

"Where is yours", I looked around.

"We sharing", she smiled sweetly at me bringing the tea while I brought the breakfast to the livingroom. We sat down eating quietly.

I went on the road to meet a client I least Roxy at the house I told her I wanted her to meet my mom but she wasn't ready.

"Yes beautiful".

"Are you busy", I heard her yawned.

"Yes what's sup", I stepped out the room while the Cutlers decided if they wanted the house or not.

"I want to sleep but I can't can you stay on the line with me ".

"Sure just for five minutes what so special about me".

"That's what I'm trying to figure out you know", she yawned again.

"You tired love", I ask stepping away for a bit looking at the Cutlers as they talk privately turning around looking at the garden I heard her yawned again.

"Roxy", I heard small snoring coming from her end I chuckled and hang up thought she couldn't sleep. Even though I came to Jamaica for a vacation I always seem to be working me not working feels like a waste of time.

"We take", I turn to look at them.

"Great meet me at the office at ten tomorrow", they nod there head leaving picking up the call I see ma calling.

"Denver I'm outside your house come and meet me".

"Ma why didn't you call me before",  I rush to the Roxy wasn't ready to meet her knowing ma I know how she is with anybody I'm dating.

"Boy I didn't know I needed your permission to visit my son".

"Ma you know that's not what I meant I'm on my way home".

"Ok hurry up I know where the spare key is", with that she hang up.

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