Part 4

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Lucy pov
It's been while since that incident but his face and smile never left my mind, i don't think I fall in love with him but I think he is cute.

Today it's drama competition in school and our class didn't win and took fifth place. Everyone was but sad but soon for over with it.

After the school end I quickly bud my friend and took the metro to go to cafe shop that I applied for as part time job. It's twenty minute away from my school and its pay well so I took it since I need some money to buy cloth and gift for my siblings. I was tired and and fell asleep.

Feleo pov
It's been while since I saw Lucy. I wasn't able to go to train station for a while because there were a gang of illegal group where selling some dr*gs so me and my team are searching for it. We got order to look around the city so today are going to search at the east side of Paris. We took the metro and when I went inside I saw my Lucy sleeping cutely in metro. My heart flutter and I kept looking at her face. I was bit worried since they are many bad people around here she might get hurt.we arrived at our stop and I got off I look at her one last time and left feeling happy and sad and the same time.

Lucy pov
It was uncomfortable to sleep in metro but I was tired. I felt like someone was staring at me a d when I open my eyes there was no one. After that I got off and went inside the cafe. I was interviewed by my manager and she seems to like me so she hired me up. I was very happy and I thank her. She told me that I have to start my job next week so I bud her well and went to cake shop and bought cheese cake since my siblings love cheese cake.

While I was walking back home I met mr casar with his team. He was smoking while lying his back on the police car. He look very hot with his sharp jawline but I don't like someone who smoke. He black hair and wind blow through his hair, his hat is just like jack from titanic but in clack colour. One fo his friend saw me whisper something in his ear. I was surprise and quickly look away and stared to walk. " Lucy" " Lucy wait up" he call me and I turned aroud.

Feleo pov
I quickly throw away my cigarette when Leo told me Lucy was there. I quickly went towards her and ask her about her days and what's she doing here. She told me that she got a job near here and she going to her home. Her face was glowing and wind is is blowing her long brunette hair. We talk about ourselves a bit and I feel like I had gone deaf because  I can't hear her talking rather I saw her smiling, talking and hair hair flying in slow motion just like movie.

Suddenly I heard a window breaking and I saw some police had catch the gang we had been looking for I took my gun and shoot them on the food when I notice they were going to shoot the officers.they were ten people and all of them are crying bag and they all had a gun. I quickly hold Lucy and hide her behind me. They all came toward me and tried to stab me by knife I couldn't fight that well because I had to protect Lucy and can't send her away because they seen her with so it would be dangerous girl so I tried to fight with them while holding lucky.

Lucy pov
I was shocked and scared because I don't know what am I suppose to do because Mr casar kept spinning me around. One guy tried to grab my hair but Mr case turn me away from him and kick him on the stomach. It warm my heart knowing he trying his best to not gm to get hurt. After a he shoot them on the leg and police took them all in. I saw thé his n'as were injured because off the knife they were holding.
So the ambulance and took him to treat his wound.
After he was he called me and sat me down next to him he hug me tried to calme me down. I was crying knowing he got I injured while trying to protect me other I don't think he would get hurt he is ther all by himself. " I am sorry because of me.." he suddenly put his hand in my mouth.

Feleo pov
I cover her mouth knowing what she would say next. " no it's not ur fault Lucy" "I just didn't turn back quickly  so I got hurt not because of you, and it smy job to protect you Lucy, please don't blame ur selves". Seeing her in tear got me weak and I wipe her face and slay lean my face and touch it against her forehead. "thank you for saving again" she smile and look into my eyes. " please let me do something for you or otherwise i feel guilty for not repaying you" I was about to tell her no but I suddenly realized somthing. I smirk and said " ok then how about movie and diner date with me" ( please don't say no no ) I kept prying in my heart.

Lucy pov
Ahh, " am sorry but if my parent found out then it will creat a big problem" " sorry I couldn't do that"
Feleo " no it's just a friendly date not love involved 🤞" " and if you want I'll take to somewhere far from here so ur friends or family won't know" " please"
I took something to think about it and eventually said yes because it's his first request to me and I couldn't say no after what had happen.

Feleo pov
I was super happy and hope get hurt every time I protect her. So I said " Sunday at 2:00 pm at Infront of the train station Versailles. I then got up went away.

Lucy pov
Ehh" hey how do you how I lived there" he ran away as soon as hear that I kept smiling looking at him but soon it drop when I remind myself not to fall for him because it will only hurt him at the end and their is no happy future for us. I sigh, I stomped my feet after seeing my cake on the floor.
"I used my last saving money for that"

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