Wait For Me...

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Taemin didn't know how to say the words. He watched in silent anxiety as the BTS group laughed at something funny on Seokjin's phone while eating a dinner consisting of Thai food - of all things for them to be eating. Taemin checked his watch. It was almost time for the scheduled video call between him and Dae in Thailand. They were going to go over all the necessary details of Taemin's permanent transfer to Thailand. Fortunately, he'd made enough money as a back-up dancer, supplemented from his Youtube channel as a male MUA and travel vlogger, so affording university in Thailand wasn't a big issue for him at the moment.

Looking up, he was startled to see not Jungkook, but Jimin looking back at him. Taemin and Jungkook were the closest due to their ages, but Jimin was a close second due to the fact he'd practically bullied his way past Taemin's wall of ice around his heart to protect himself. Jimin was the first one to notice the bullying Taemin was enduring, and the first one to offer him a safe place to sleep and a shoulder to cry on, and promised he'd end those bullies first chance he had.

Jimin switched from sitting on the far easy chair to sitting next to Taemin on the loveseat. "And how's our little MinMin tonight, hm? Tired?"

"Not really, hyung," Taemin said softly. He brushed his fingers over the label on his soda bottle, trying to distract himself. "Just...I have something to say and I don't know how all of you will take it."

"Is it a life-or-death problem?"



"...of a sort, I guess."

"Are there other bullies bothering you, Taemin?"

"No, that's not what's got me nervous." Taemin shook his head in denial, shooting Jimin an appreciative smile.

Namjoon leaned in after hearing the last part. "You don't have to be nervous about telling us anything, MinMin. You have our support on anything."

Taemin curled in on himself more at that. Would they really support his leaving South Korea and moving to Thailand? And what if he wasn't able to get Arthit to fall in love with him again and kiss him before the deadline? How would they handle his death if it happened.

Jimin and Namjoon shared a concerned glance.

"I'm leaving."

Jimin stared at the younger boy. "Leaving? You mean, the company?"

"That, but not just that."

"You're leaving South Korea," Namjoon said.

Taemin whipped his head up and stared at him in shock. "What?? How did you know??"

Jimin about choked. "No way...you're seriously leaving the country?? Why?? I thought you were going to attend the University of Seoul and join the company full-time! Why are you leaving us??"

Jimin's unhappy voice caught the attention of the rest of the group.

"What's going on?" Yoongi's gaze went from Namjoon to Jimin to Taemin. "What are you three being so secretive about?"

Jungkook frowned, not happy with the way Namjoon and Jimin seemed to be cornering Taemin.

Taemin drew in a deep breath. "I'm moving to Thailand and attending university there. I already have my paperwork all figured out and my passport is updated. I leave in a couple weeks."

Without a word, Jungkook stood and walked out of the room, the door closing with a soft 'click' behind him. Taemin swallowed against the lump in his throat. He knew Jungkook would take it the hardest because of how close the two of them were.

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