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It was easy to ignore his own fear what with the way Kongpob's hand was shaking in his own, cold and clammy from nerves. "Kongpob," Arthit whispered as Mrs. Suthiluck came back into the living room, smiling pleasantly while carrying a tray with coffee, "are you okay?"

"I'm scared."

That small admission showed just how much Arthit had fucked up. Kongpob shouldn't be this scared, not with Arthit sitting next to him. He gently squeezed his boyfriend's hand to comfort him. "Don't be. I'm right here, no matter what."

Kongpob smiled weakly at him.

"So, my son tells me you're a hazing senior?" Mrs. Suthiluck settled across from them, her smile now aimed at Arthit. "From the way he talks about you, I can't help but think you're one of his new idols."

"Mae," Kongpob whined, scrunching his nose.

Cute, a voice whispered through Arthit's mind. He hadn't known Kongpob could be cute like this. He was always acting dominant and strong. It was nice to know he had a flip side. "That's nice to hear, khun Suthiluck. I was sure he hated me at first because of how firm we had to be with the freshmen."

Kongpob made a small noise.

Arthit smirked, not looking at him.

Mrs. Suthiluck's gaze fell to their joined hands. Without missing a beat, and the smile turning sly, she said, "Oh, I can see just how much he hates you, N'Arthit."


Arthit couldn't help snorting at Kongpob's scandalized tone. "Kong, calm down."

Kongpob shook his head in disbelief. "Why would you say that..."

"Dear, did you really think your phor and I didn't notice how much you talked about N'Arthit? Even while complaining about him at the beginning of the year, you didn't have much to complain about. Most of what you said was compliments."

Arthit perked. "Oh? What did he say about me?"

Kongpob grimaced and looked away.

"Things like, 'P'Arthit just walks in, and everyone stands at attention. He really commands a room'. Or, my favorite, 'Even with how mean he can be, people are still crushing on him'." Mrs. Suthiluck smirked at her blushing son.

"Kong, were you one of the ones crushing on me?" Arthit teased his boyfriend.

The blush deepening down Kongpob's neck answered that.

"That's so sweet."

"Stop it, Phi," Kongpob complained weakly, frowning at him. "And mae, don't make fun of me. P'Arthit didn't make it easy for me."

"Love shouldn't be easy, dear." Mrs. Suthiluck raised an eyebrow at her son. "You should fight for it every step of the way, and work at it so it never dies. Love isn't just feelings and emotions. It takes work. It's deciding 'This is the person I want to be with, and I won't give up on them'."

Arthit couldn't speak for a moment. "That's...very beautiful, khun Suthiluck."

She smiled. "It's what my parents told me, and it's the same advice I use for my marriage to Kerkkrai."

Kongpob was glad his parents were okay with his relationship. But he still wasn't happy about being teased by his mother. "So you don't mind?"

His mother's eyes softened. "Oh, honey," she rose, coming over to hug her son tightly, "when did I ever give you the impression I wouldn't love you even if you fell in love with another man? You're still my son. Nothing has changed. And if you ever want kids in the future," her tone turned teasing, "you can always use a surrogate."

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