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One step forward, three steps back.

That party hadn't done anything but cause Arthit to retreat even more, after inching past his comfort zone. Kongpob didn't know what he'd done or said for the change. Instead of pushing for Arthit back to where they'd been, Kongpob tried to be patient and let Arthit get there by himself.

But he wasn't. And Kongpob was starting to get upset because now he wouldn't even hold hands in a darkened theater. And forget kissing, unless it was at Kongpob's house.

Kongpob took a leaf out of Arthit's book and distanced himself, begging off on dates with the excuse he had important things to do. He didn't initiate physical contact, pretending to be content with just walking next to Arthit with no touching, but still invited him over to his house when his parents asked. It was hard being in close proximity like this and not touching him at all.

Arthit didn't seem to notice. At least, Kongpob thought so - up until shortly after Kongpob's sophomore year at university started.

Kongpob adjusted his new hazer jacket, proud to be a second-year hazer. He knew the second-years didn't have the authority over the freshmen as the third-years did, but this was still a steppingstone up.

The first day started out nice. Kongpob was greeted respectfully by the freshmen, and he nodded back with a slight smile. He didn't want to seem too friendly yet. They still had to learn the meaning behind everything the hazers would be doing over the course of the next few weeks. It wasn't until a group of freshmen girls stopped him in the hallway, a few almost in tears, asking him directions for a certain class. Knowing he'd be late, Kongpob still led them to their class, so they weren't late on their first day.

He didn't see a certain fourth year standing off in the distance watching.

Kongpob wished them luck, reminded them about the SOTUS meeting after classes were out, and jogged back for his own class. He was only a couple minutes late, but the professor wasn't there yet either, so he wasn't counted tardy. That was a relief for him!

Lunchtime came. Kongpob filed out with his friends, the others talking nonstop and laughing about a joke the professor had made. Kongpob shook his head in amusement and smiled to himself. It was nice being back on campus and interacting with everyone again. They claimed a table close by the stalls, and Kongpob stayed at the table to watch over their stuff, while Em went up to order for both himself and Kongpob.

A tap on the shoulder had Kongpob turning around. He was surprised to see Arthit, and barely remembered in time not to do anything couply, instead standing up and waii-in him while freshmen looked on. He had to show a good example so not many would get themselves in trouble. He could still see Wad and Prem going toe-to-toe with their words and posturing in the gym last year.

"P'Arthit, good to see you."

Arthit gave a sharp nod. "Good job this morning, helping out the freshmen."

Kongpob was taken aback. "Oh, you saw that?"

"Yes. But don't help them too much. Remember what I said last year. Being a hero isn't good. People need to do things on their own, otherwise they won't learn and grow."

Kongpob forced down the irritation. Is he seriously going on about this in front of everyone?? Unbelievable... "Sorry, Phi. I won't do it too often."

"Good." Arthit looked like he was going to say something else but changed his mind and turned to walk away.

"Have a good afternoon, Phi."

Arthit said nothing, only nodded as he walked away.

Em came back with food for him and Kongpob, eyeing Arthit's back as he disappeared around a corner. "Why is he treating you like a regular junior?" he murmured quietly to Kongpob. "Aren't you guys still...you know?"

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