You, again

24 4 6

My apologies for the brief F/M at the beginning.

How dare I
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"Fuck, Seonghwa, I can't-", the woman, Cherry he recalled, beneath him moaned. She arched her back, pressing her lower half into him.

"I love you so much Hwa, this was amazing.", she exclaimed, proceeding to make herself comfortable on her queen sized bed. He just hummed, mentally preparing himself to leave after she fell asleep.

Seonghwa didn't care for her in the slightest. This morning he took her out for brunch, a miserable attempt to soothe his father's temper. Women or men- Seonghwa didn't care with whom he would end up with in the future.

But his father, the CEO to a well known hotel chain surely was interested in keeping his son away from males. "Think about your future, son. Think about deals, investors and the future of our buisness. Don't be silly."

Cherry started snoring, signaling Seonghwa to come to bed with her, but instead he fished his clothes off the floor and hastily made his way out of her luxurious apartment.

She was nice for sure, she was a good flirt. Certainly helped Seonghwa to keep his mind off of his father's worries.

But nothing more.


Grumbling Seonghwa opened his eyes. The clock on the opposite wall that hung directly over his white desk struck 11 a.m.. He should've been up by now, going through news and finishing up some ideas on how to improve the parking system for one of their hotels in Seoul.

Instead he rubbed his hands over his eyes until they were sore, desperately trying to stay awake. Seonghwa had gone to sleep at...was it 2 or 3 a.m.? Did it even matter?

His mother has kept him up, lecturing him over the phone about his father's blood pressure. "You're almost thirty Seonghwa, time to settle down so your father can hand over the buisness to you. You know how he gets, Seonghwa. He worries too much and sleeps too little whenever some rumors spread about you. I'll be back home in a few days and I really hope you talked to Cherry by then."

They talked. And then they fucked.

Seonghwa made his way into the bathroom, quickly going over his routine as well as quickly showering, since he felt quite gross after yesterday'

As usual he skipped breakfast, simply drinking some coffee on his way to the office. Mentally he thanked his father for basically living there, not having to worry about dealing with his moods at home as well.

Soon he would find himself a nice apartment in Seoul. Soon.

His driver didn't even bother to come up with some small talk, knowing better to simply focus on the streets.

The car came to a halt in front of the office. It was a sunny day and probably the hottest so far, Seonghwa noticed as he climbed out of the car. The chilly spring breeze was nowhere to be found, replaced by a heat he certainly hadn't missed over the last few months.

"Good morning Seonghwa, I didn't expect to see you so soon again.", someone, no - Kim Hongjoong, smiled at him, standing just a few feet to his left. "Good morning to you too." His blonde hair was styled back today, revealing all of his piercings perfectly.

"I hoped to see you today. Actually I wanted to ask if your father was happy with the paintings I sent to him the other day?" Seonghwa turned towards him, trying to remember if his father mentioned something similar the past few days.
The shorter one looked at him expectantly, shifting his weight from one foot to another.

"I'm sorry, but I do not remember him having mentioned art in the past.", Seonghwa answered, his left hand coming to rest in his pocket. "It didn't occur to me that you would be working for my father."

Hongjoong just laughed and shook his head. "I'm not directly working for him. I just happened to have some paintings laid out that he took interest in. I wonder if he'll find use for them in one of your new hotel locations."

His father planned on expanding their buisness into Japan, always claiming that the success would be guaranteed.

"I could ask him, if you want me to."
The blonde smiled even brighter, clasping his hands together in one swift motion. Seonghwa noticed the black painted nails on his ring fingers.

Pretty. How annoying.

Kim Hongjoong truly looked like an angel and it made Seonghwa's stomach twist. He's grown to dislike those overly excited and positive humans over the years, but somehow he didn't feel the need to end this conversation anytime soon.

"That would be great actually. Could I- no wait, let me give you my number. Just text me if he mentions it."

Seonghwa hands over his phone before his brain registers it and mentally slaps himself. Praying to himself that it wouldn't get leaked again, so he could keep his number for longer than a week this time.

The blonde quickly typed in his number and handed over the phone.

"Thanks a lot, I appreciate it. If you ever get bored, feel free to visit my studio!"

Seonghwa nodded swiftly and smiled a little, then made his way into the glassy skyscraper. Now he had to talk to his father again. Sigh.

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