Chapter 5 - Forgotten in the Chamber

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If you have any suggestions please feel free to leave comments I am pretty much open to anything that doesn't conflict with my planned Tomarry pairing.



Under the cloak of night, when the moon's glow painted the castle in silver, the familiar hum of activity within Gryffindor tower had finally subsided. At the stroke of 10 pm, the common room lay vacant, its occupants having surrendered to sleep. It was in this quiet realm of shadows that Harry found his chance.

With a deft motion, he pulled the invisibility cloak around him and secured the Marauder's Map, both tools of secrecy clasped tightly in his grip. And so, unnoticed and unaccompanied, he stepped away from Gryffindor tower, his exit a silent secret only for the shadows to know.

Navigating cautiously, he deftly steered clear of prefects, teachers, and even the drifting specters, moving towards his destination with an air of careful determination. His course led him to the long-forgotten girls' lavatory, the echoes of its solitude mirroring his own intent.

Under the protective shroud of his invisibility cloak, Harry stood before the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets. With a determined exhale and some hissing at the broken tap, he commanded the entrance to open, revealing the yawning darkness behind the ordinary looking sink. There was an eerie anticipation in the air as he stepped inside, gravity pulling him down towards the chamber lying below the castle. After what felt like an eternity of falling, he finally reached the floor with a loud thud and pain shooting through his legs.

As he reached the chamber's depths, he wandered aimlessly, his hands trailing along the damp walls. His invisible form moved listlessly, like a ghost haunting a place of forgotten memories. He hoped to find some semblance of solace here, away from the expectations and burdens above, but the shadows seemed to only magnify the weight on his shoulders.

And there it was, the statue of Salazar Slytherin

The sight of Slytherin's statue drew his gaze, a silent witness to his spiraling despair. Harry's touch against the statue's cold surface was almost mechanical, devoid of energy or enthusiasm. The stone gave way, revealing an alcove he entered with a vacant step, his invisible presence mirroring the sense of being overlooked he carried above.

The hidden room echoed with the chamber's history. Snakeskins sprawled across the floor, but even though the room gave a slight feeling of being forgotten it felt strangely like home – as if he belonged here.

Caught in a rare sense of comfort that had eluded him for months, if not years, he succumbed to a few minutes of sleep. However, his respite was abruptly interrupted by a faint, dragging noise that jolted him awake, sending his cloak to the floor. Gazing around, he was met with an astonishing sight—a basilisk, the very creature he believed he had defeated in his second year.

$ You're finally back, $ the snake's hiss resonated with an odd excitement. $ Tom had been growing skeptical over these past months, fearing you'd forget about us permanently. $

The basilisk slithered closer, tasting the air with its forked tongue. Picking up the currents of panic and despair, it recoiled slightly, its gaze locking onto Harry who trembled, his breath caught in his chest.

$ It appears you haven't remembered yet... Please, remember us soon, $ the snake's hiss carried a mournful tone. Sensing his distress, it retreated, affording Harry the space he clearly needed. With a last lingering look, the basilisk withdrew from the room, leaving behind a shaken and bewildered Harry.

The basilisk's sudden appearance had sent shockwaves of panic through Harry's veins, but after its departure the shock slowly subsided and a familiar determination took its place. He remembered why he had descended into these depths— to finish what Voldemort started and to finally join his parents.

Ignoring the basilisk's words about things forgotten, Harry pushed away doubt and focused on his mission. He knew dwelling on gaps in his memory would slow him down, so he steeled his resolve and moved forward, intent on his goal.

Taking his wand in hand, he contemplated different approaches. To ensure he left no trace, he enveloped himself again in the Invisibility cloak. An amused grin curved his lips as he entertained a notion: 'When they can't find me, the Marauders Map will be just as elusive. A taste of their own medicine,' he chuckled, finding a certain satisfaction in the prospect of his 'friends' facing a puzzle they couldn't solve.

He points his wand to his left wrist muttering a determined "Diffindo" before repeating the action after pointing his wand to his throat.

Burning pain and soothing numbness envelop him as blood flows freely from the opened wounds. Harry smiled, finally feeling freedom and comfort before his vision darkened leaving him unconscious. 

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