Chapter 3 - Bad Feeling

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Half an hour after fainting Harry wakes up disoriented wondering where he was and how he got there.

Looking around he recognizes the cushions on the bench he is laying on as the seats of the Hogwarts carriages.

Sitting up with a start he can feel his invisibility cloak slipping off his body.

'At least nobody saw me lying there' he thought before silently casting 'Tempus'. Staring at the displayed time in horror as it is almost time for the sorting ceremony in the great hall.

He jumps off the carriage after fastening his invisibility cloak around his middle under his baggy school robes feeling a little glad that he was starved over the summer as that made it possible for him to carry his cloak with him under his robes.

'I deserved it to be starved'

'I should be ashamed to be happy about the punishment'

'It's my fault he had to lay his hands on my body – it is supposed to be a punishment'

'It's not a punishment if I am happy about it'

Harry is snapped out of his thoughts when he reached the great hall and hears the laughter of the other students behind the doors. Feeling some wetness on his cheeks he reaches up with his hands feeling them getting wet also. Realizing that he must have cried on the way he hastily dries his face with the inside of his robes before deciding to enter the great hall through a smaller side entrance to make sure he isn't noticed by everyone.

Sneaking to his seat, that to his dismay is right next to his group of friends he sits down just as they notice him appearing.

Turning around to face Harry, Hermione starts to question him, not even giving him time to get comfortable and breathe. "Where were you, Harry? We were worried. Where did you disappear to? Why didn't you come back earlier?"

Only to be interrupted by Ron " 'Mione let him answer one question first before bombarding him. But mate I really wonder where you were."

If he didn't overhear their discussion on the train he wouldn't have noticed the hidden looks of disdain on their faces.

Harry was still feeling like the very ground he was standing on was breaking piece by piece only being held together by his sheer will to not have anyone notice his distress. Determined to think about everything later he tries to leave his revelation unnoticed by acting like he would without it.

"I am sorry, guys. I wasn't feeling well... I must have eaten something bad back home." He mumbles looking slightly to the side not keeping eye contact. "I didn't mean to make you worry about me but I was rushing straight to the restroom when I arrived here and just got to feeling good enough so I don't miss the sorting and the announcements. I'm sorry," he sighs.

Before Harry can continue to make excuses Professor McGonagall leads the new first years into the hall for their sorting. As Harry doesn't know any of the new students, he tunes out the sorting and just claps politely whenever one of them is sorted into Gryffindor.

Even after the sorting he isn't able to focus on the conversations around only hearing bits and pieces about a missing DADA teacher and an upcoming event at Hogwarts.

Minutes after the feast started there is a loud bang as a man with a fake eye and scarred face enters on his wooden peg leg looking intimidating.

Alastor Moody, their new DADA teacher, is what he is introduced as.

'seems like we get another weird DADA teacher' Harry sighs inwardly.

Droning out the rest of the normal start of year announcement he is shocked when the hall erupts in loud conversations.

"Yes students, you heard that right – Hogwarts will be hosting students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang for the Triwizard Tournament. Beware that death may loom over you should you choose to participate," Dumbledore explains "note that only students above the age of 17 may put their name into the goblet of fire that will be brought out when the other schools arrive, which will be in two weeks." He finishes his explanation as the conversations among students pick up even more. Before sending all four houses to their dormitories.

While walking to the Gryffindor tower Harry can't shake off the foreboding feeling. 'Something bad will happen with this Tournament – I don't want to have any part in it'

-Time skip brought to you by your very own monster-

In the following weeks everything goes its normal way, with the addition to more enthusiastic discussions about the Triwizard tournament everywhere. The other schools arrived with performances in the great hall with everyone noticing their strength, beauty and magical prowess.

In all that hustle and bustle Harry gets mostly ignored, which he likes as he still hurts all over from the beatings at 'home', making it easier for him to keep physical contact to an absolute minimum, which still triggers him to go into panic attacks.


Its Saturday morning and Harry sits with his 'friends' during breakfast pretending to still be his 'normal' self. When he finally is able to leave them to be alone somewhere else, he feels someone accidentally brushing against his arm. Turning to see who it was he sees the back of Blaise Zabini that walked past him to get to the teacher's table.

At that moment, a jolt of unease shot through Harry like an electric shock. His heart rate suddenly heightened, and he felt an overwhelming sense of dread and vulnerability. He tried to brush it off, as to not make anyone notice, but the feeling intensified rapidly. It was as if he was back in his 'home' in Surrey with Vernon looming over him menacingly as if promising him the worst pain he ever felt again.

His breaths became shallow, and he instinctively moved away from the crowd, stumbling out of the Great Hall. Panic gripped him tightly, making it difficult to think clearly. He felt trapped, like the walls were closing in on him, suffocating him. The world around him seemed to blur, and his surroundings became a dizzying maze.

Harry's legs carried him through the corridors. He couldn't shake the fear that 'IT' was going to happen, and he needed to get away to protect himself.

He finally found solace in an empty alcove, away from prying eyes. Trembling, he wrapped his arms tightly around himself, seeking comfort in his touch. His mind raced with intrusive thoughts and memories of the last punishment, making it hard to focus on the present. He desperately tried to ground himself, but the panic held its grip.

Tears welled up in his eyes, blurring his vision even more. He couldn't understand why such a simple involuntary touch had triggered such an overwhelming response for him.

As the panic began to subside, Harry took deep, shaky breaths. Slowly, he managed to regain some control over his racing heart and trembling limbs. He reminded himself that he was safe now, that he was not in immediate danger.

After waiting for what felt like hours he finally felt his strength return so he could get up from his hiding place.

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