-- Chapter two --

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Chapter two: Ancient Poem From Nowhere

"Captain, what are we doing here?" Gopal asked. "And in this dark cave of all places! Can't we just like, stay back and wait for you all?"

Currently, the gang, alongside Kaizo, were found wandering in the dark cave with only a handful of torchlight as their only light source. And Gopal was the only one who was scared at the fact of merely being in the cave.

"Ish, Gopal. Captain must've his reason for bringing us here in the first place, so stop whining and follow closely before we end up losing you," Ying scoffed at him, crossing her arms together.

Continuing to walk, Kaizo spoke, "The mission giver has given us a clue as to the whereabouts of the necklace we are to find," glancing at the tablet once more. "Which might be at the end of the cave itself."

"Then how long will it take for us to reach there?" Yaya asked curiously.

"It won't be long," Fang said, walking before them, "In fact, we've arrived."

True to his words, they only took one last turn with a few more walking and found themselves standing before the deadend of the dark cave, but with the torchlight in hand, they soon found out that before them was no empty stone wall.

For sure, there was something craving on it, but most had faded overtime, making it nearly unreadable for them to see.

Kaizo took this chance and took some pictures over it, it would be best if they research over it later back at the kopitiam where Boboiboy's grandfather was.

Boboiboy, who had been silent ever since they entered the cave, furrowed his brow, there was something weird going on and he couldn't place a finger over it.

Unable to figure what it was that had his mind occupied, one that he was unable to shake it off like no other.

Fang, who had stood aside and let the Captain do his work, noticed the child's strange action and began to approach him.

"Boboiboy?" He asked, "Is there something wrong? Are you not well?"

Shaking his head, Boboiboy responded, "I somehow have a ... weird feeling? I – I don't really understand it actually, not really."

He then winced as something sharp came crashing into his head, hissing at the sudden pain he felt out of nowhere. This pain was so random that he wasn't really sure what was happening here at all.

Then came the high pitch ring that came ringing in his ears.

(He was certain that someone was talking to him but he couldn't tell who, every voice that was sounded there sounded like they were trying to reach him from the surface of the water itself.

But the weirdest thing was that he was not beneath the water, yet he still felt like he was drowning —)

His vision began to blur before him, he felt something was trying to come out from within him and began to cough rather harshly. Then, the next thing he knew, he was now looking down at where the colour red painted something beneath him.

Instantly, he knew that something wasn't right.

Before he could understand what was going on, everything turned black and the sharp ringing that was in his ears had finally come to an end.


Before opening his eyes, all he could hear was the murmurs of someone speaking, they seemed to be talking about something, something that seemed ... important, though he wasn't quite sure what it could be, everything seemed to hurt if he tried to focus on something.

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