chapter 2🔞

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6:00am :)

"Knock!* knock!*
Came a rather loud wake up call to the dark cedar door that closed off your room from the rest of the mansion, you were about to get out of bed and open the door but you quickly shuffled back under the blankets once you realized you were naked.

"Umm c-come in" you spoke in a tired voice trying to keep your calm.
The door swung open and it was Clem, she had brought breakfast for you and Lewis. "Hey sis, I brought you guys a treat" she spoke in a sweet tone as you lifted up with the covers above your chest. Clem noticed and stopped with wide eyes before setting the tray down and rushing over to your closet, she pulled out a white laced bra and a matching set of underwear and handed them to you. You smilled softly and spoke "thank you Clem, uh S-sorry for you to walk in on me like this". Clementine simply giggled which left you puzzled, "nah its fine. Violet over heard the argument last night and she told me this might happen, so if you ummmmm...yknow can't walk I completely understand and I'll try and help as much as possible. But I am NOT touching his underwear." She said to you.

You giggled again as you heard a groan from the boy that laid beside you, Lewis looked up at you and smilled, "good Morning baby" he said softy before looking over to your sister. "Good morning cle- CLEM?!"

Time skip*

10 feet. Upwind. 25 pounds. Unaware.
These mental notes are what kept you alive all these years, you knowing everything, watching everything.

It was skills like these that you caught possession of at a young age, the Asylum wasn't only meant for "crazys" no. That Asylum held more than just lunatics with mental disorders, you hitched your breath as you recreated the images of your childhood.

The plain white room that you knew as home. The white gowns that almost everyone sported.
The pin. You hated the pin with a burning passion. You would be thrown into that dark, deep hole even if you hadn't done anything wrong.

Your body bruised from the gaurds forcing you through the cold gates of what you called "hell on earth", those scratches left behind on your back by the head master still visible to this day.

You could only be grateful for freedom, not life.

You snapped back to your current surroundings, your gun's barrel pointed straight for a mutated rabbit that would go great with the stew you and Violet decided to whip up tonight.

You quickened your thought process, you heightened your reflexes to be as quick as possible. Taking a small bite of the snow that covered the ground below you so that your breath would be as hard to see as possible, you shot.


You heard as you entered the gates of your home, you watched and smilled as you watched your sister chase the boy with a comb in hand. A.j hated getting his hair done, even when he knew it was for survival. But it had to be done, for his safety.
"A.j" you spoke in a stern tone.
Clem turned to you with a jump, she hadn't expected you to be back so soon.

A.j stopped and nodded at you, he saw you as a sister to goof of with but still listened when you told him so.
His hair bounced as he walked over to clem's lap and sat down, sucking up the pain in his tender head as his hair was brushed through.

You waved at Clem before walking over to the outside table with your trophy in hand, a 25 pound rabbit that had rather large antlers (another result from mutation) that you could use for tools.

You were just about to begin skinning when your pet bear smelled the corpse and trotted over, you sighed watching her sit and gleam a smile at you.
"Alright girl, the head is the only item on your menu tonight, sorry." You spoke softly some what feeling bad.

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