Chapter 11

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"Pix, no! This is stupid! What are you thinking!"

Oli was yelling now, trying to get through to the archaeologist.
They were assembled in Joey's alliance meeting room, discussing Pix's bright idea of setting the Cathedral of Santa Perla alight.

The brunette impatiently swiped his flint across the steel, letting it spark a dangerous flame.

"False is gone," Pix repeated.

Oli was becoming increasingly concerned for Pix's health and safety. How many times had he said that now?


A billion?

Either way, it seemed like only Oli and fWhip cared about Sanctuary.

The goblin man had been trying to calmly persuade the archaeologist for what seemed like a while, demanding Oli to sit back and 'peacefully resolve the dispute'. Of which, came to no avail. Jimmy had remained silent for all of the meeting, his lips pressed into a thin line that refused to contribute anything towards the matters at hand.

And the Pirate Captain?

Well, of course, Joey was doing what Joey did best: getting on people's nerves.

Currently, that seemed to be his sole purpose in life.

He was comfortably enjoying dragging Pix down that path of war and destruction.

And with it was going the Bard's sanity.
"Joey, would you PLEASE SHUT UP?" Oli yelled, slamming his fists down on the table. Grinding his teeth together and squeezing his eyes shut, before turning back to Pix.
"C'mon, Pix! Arson is not okay! It was never okay! You of all people should know that! What do you think this will-"
Oli opened his eyes to lock his gaze with the Archaeologist, but to his surprise, Pix had vanished.

He looked back towards Joey demandingly, who simply shrugged at him, clearly trying - and failing - to conceal the excitement coursing through his veins. Instinctively, Oli jumped up from his seat, looking at Jimmy with a ferocity that never was presented in his gaze.
The Tumble Town Sheriff, who looked something along the lines of bored, effortlessly tilted his head towards the door, of which was swung ajar. "fWhip just left."
"Oh, shit-"
Oli didn't even finish his sentence.
He sprinted through the door, vaguely registering the sound of what could only be Joey and/or Jimmy's chairs.

"PIX!!!" Oli began to yell, the smell of seawater meeting his nostrils as he ran out onto the docks of Sanctuary. He caught sight of fWhip sitting on the docks, head in his hands.

"FWHIP!!! FWHIP, WHERE IS- Oh my stars, what happened?"

The ginger turned around, a large gaping gash seeping blood tore into his forearm.
"I had an encounter with Pix," he muttered, beginning nursing his wound as he washed away the blood with the freshwater in the canister beside him, though it was quickly replaced with more gleaming red.

Oli's lips parted in an attempt to say something, but for once in Oli's life - which was impressive, considering the 10 different origins he'd gone through and the months on end he spent listening to the story before he returned to the overworld - he had no words to say.
"I'm leaving," fWhip said curtly, standing up and turning away. The bard let him leave.
Pulling out a boat from his own inventory, he placed it on the calm waters of the Eversea harbour, before beginning to rhythmically push the oars until the colourful rooftops of Sanctuary came into view.
Another scent, bitter and choking and constricting snaked around Oli, and it was only then that his chocolate brown eyes caught the smoke spiralling from somewhere in the bustling city.

"Ah," he muttered. "I see."

So Pix had gone crazy.

Word Count: 574

Hello everyone!
Fox here! I've been gone for a while, lacking motivation and juggling school work, however that won't stop me from publishing the next chapter of War Torn Hearts! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and if you did we'd much appreciate comments or votes ^^
Make sure to stay safe, spread kindness and have fun! 
~ Fox Out!

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