Chapter 7

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Hello! Fox here, bringing you chapter 7! Enjoy!

This is stupid.

Those were the words echoing through the head of Pirate Joe as he impatiently waited for Shelby's team to arrive.

His crew had very much animusly come to the decision to attend a meeting in which the captain thought was undoubtedly suspicious.

Why else would the opposition call upon a discussion to scrap the concept of the war at such a late notice?

Accordingly, he was one of the few who agreed to proceed with the war, whilst Pix, False, fWhip and Jimmy asked to call it off. And as much as he hated to admit it, he was relying on them to help him carry out his war plans.

So there he was, contemplating whether such an idea was to come of any good

The warm sun tickling his back vanished as a looming shadow shrouded him in darkness.

He turned and met the eyes of none other than the 11ft God of the Sky, Joel.

"Hello down there!" he boomed with a mischievous smile. Joey only sighed in reply.
The rest of the server started to fly in, and the green-eyed pirate looked around at the sight before him.

Were his eyes deceiving him?

There were eleven emperor's - Joey didn't know where his beloved Pirate Princess Katherine, nor Princess Gem of Dawn were - and they were...

Getting along?

They weren't plotting revenge.

They weren't arguing.

They were, however, initiating conversation. Laughing and smiling, and talking as though they were not about to go into a war and as if they were genuinely friends.

That was until none other than the amber eyes of the Great Witch of the Evermoore, Shelby Grace, and he locked eyes. He waltzed right up to her, unable to stop himself.

"Hello Miss Witch," he spat, eying Shelby with disgust, and almost immediately biting his tongue.

Great start, Pirate Joe, he scolded himself as she neared the centre of the bridge.

Just then, Sausage stepped out, getting in the way of Joey and Shelby's bickering. He cleared his throat dramatically and turned to the rulers before him.

"You have all been called here today to discuss the war on the horizon," he called. "If we could have a few opinions from a couple of emperor's, and their subjective view on the arousing battle, that would be much appreciated,"

He quickly straightened and adjusted his mossy cloak, before beginning to speak again.
"Starting with me."

He looked the Witch and the Pirate dead in the eye, gesturing to the land around him.
"We began anew. Our empires' rose from the depths of our wildest dreams, and this is what came of it. Why shall we end it all in such a brutal way?"

Joey was surprised at the sombre and dismal tone of the Protector of Sanctuary as he walked away so that Scott could talk.

"What do you guys think you're doing?" he asked accusingly, making Pirate Joe's eyes widen from the harshness in his Scottish accent as he felt Shelby's confidence waver beside him. "You're tearing apart this world over someone who doesn't have time for you!"

The cyan haired man looked as though he wanted to say more, but instead very stiffly dropped the gaze he had held between the emerald and amber eyes.

The emperor's took it in turns describing why the war was such a terrible idea. And to be fair, Joey hadn't listened to any of it. I mean, how else was he supposed to gain Katherine's hand in marriage?

Finally, there were only two people left.

fWhip made his way to the centre of the bridge, and Pirate Joe looked up, bored out of his mind. But the thing he said next was most intriguing.

"Gem's left," the Goblin King said flatly. He stayed silent, letting the stirring of the crowd before him die down.
Whispering and muttering rippled throughout the emperor's, yet the Pirate Captain stood there in shocked silence. His expression, worn blank, traded out for a sly smile.

Very good, fWhip, he thought, desperately trying to mask his grin with a sombre expression.

"She's gone, and before you all come up with stupid conspiracies on why, the fault is mine."

The anger radiating off the Witch of the Evermoore made Joey's heart leap with joy.

He very quickly stepped away before a heated discussion could have erupted.

And then finally there was one person left.

To be fair, Joe didn't even know why Joel stepped up.

What was he going to do?

Shout 'LORE' a few dozen times and let the chaos ensue?

The Pirate Captain stifled a laugh as the eleven-foot brunette stepped into the spotlight.

Yet, once again, he was taken aback by the answer.
"You guys are fighting over something stupid. Love. It's all a pointless joke."
Silence followed, as the winds picked up pace. Clouds rolled in, obscuring the sunlight whilst darkening the sky and the cracked stone bricks of the Great Bridge.

"I mean, why bother 'falling into it'? It's unpredictable, really. They tell you they'll live forever, and I was foolish enough to believe it..."

Silence followed as the brunette sort of cut himself off.

Joey couldn't quite believe it.


The eleven foot, self obsessed God of the Sky, falling in love with anyone but himself?

It seemed everyone had put two and two together, as Lizzie asked "You were once in love?"

Joel didn't answer the question. His face was set in stone as he stepped away from the crowd as the Protector of Sanctuary followed suit.

The Pirate Captain turned to the Great Witch of the Evermoore.
"Look what you've done!" he exclaimed, pointing at Joel and Sausage who were walking further and further away. "You've sent off your own crew!'

Shelby's jaw dropped at the Pirate's comment.

"Me? I'm not at fault here!'

"Oh yeah? It's your team who called up this meeting?"

Joey immediately wrapped his fingers around the Vanquisher as Shelby's soul-collecting scythe cut through the air in front of him.
"Oh it's ON!" she screamed as Joey quickly loaded his gun, sending a bullet right through the empty air that the witch was standing mere moments before.

But suddenly, a voice as sweet as honey filled the air in a harsh yell of rage.

Word Count: 995

Hiya! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! We're finally getting into some drama, so stay tuned! If you like this sort of content, go check out my account FireFox7895 or minimushr00m for more chaos!

Anyway, that's it for now folks. As always, stay safe, spread kindness and of course, have fun! 

~Fox Out!

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