another way: the second act

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I am tired of putting on holier-

than-thou airs and the worst part,
in many times over, I didn't know
I was doing it. 

I used to believe in its singularity,
its oneness, and I guess to some 
degree, I still do. 

How many prophets and great
orators preach that they know
the truth, and that they are the
only way? That all other truths 
must be wrong, or too simplified
in the face of their truth?

Why would I believe in a God or
Gods, prophets and prophetesses, 
if it is so circumstantial and relevant
only to the situations and systems
created to support it?

Is this my lone path I walk? I 
don't think I am alone--I have
never felt that sense of aloneness.
There has always been something
or someone out there, that supports
and holds me in every moment. 
But now, I feel like I am circling back
again on using words I don't want to. 

I could invent a new language, and 
it would not do well here. For soon,
the language falls into its usual path-
ways, and it soon institutionalizes
its own self, and the limits and the
challenges unique to the language
are now the same like any other

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