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I can tell that something is
changing and that I think I'm 
shedding some kind of skin,
but it isn't skin. Rather, it's
layers and shades and lens
that covered my eyes and my

I don't care as deeply as I used
to, and it's not because I don't
have feelings, or some kind of
connection is anchoring me here.
It's not that. It's me realizing that
I used to think I could only breathe
if I thought and believed just like
you, and if I didn't, that I was
doomed to a life of misery, of
pain, of failure, of death. 

Within me, I am realizing that 
most of you is now gone, and
I'm breathing just fine. I have
many lives that I could live, and
find joy and happiness within.

It might not be the life you
thought or wished or believed
I would go after, and embody 
with my human figure, but
that's the part that I don't care
too greatly about anymore.

I'm okay with living a healthy
life and if you are in it, great.
If you are not, great. Maybe 
one day at a different time...
who knows?

But I am at peace, and I suspect
that this is just the beginning.

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