part nine

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  Ever since the party Tom and Maya got closer. Ally , Jenny and Bill always knew what was happening with them. Maya really thought her and tom had something. Something that'll last a long time. After talking they walked to class. As they sat down they realized that Ally and Tom werent there.

"Wheres Ally?" Maya asked

"Wheres Tom?" Bill asked as Maya brushed it off. After a few minutes they both walk in late but Maya just brushed it off. "Wanna come to my house after school?" Bill asked

"Yeah! But Jennys still over so shes gonna have to come. That okay?"

"Of course! Shes a pleasure."

"Are you inviting Ally?" Maya questioned while taking a quick glance at Ally seeing her a bright red. She was talking to Tom and it looked like she was blushing? Maya quickly changed her mindset because why would Ally do anything to hurt her? They've been best friends she she knows about Maya and tom so Maya brushed it off.

"Um i dont know." Bill said hesitantly 

"Why?" Maya asked confused

"Well its just. Never mind she can come" Bill hesitated 

"Okay? Well im excitedddd" Maya said


     After school ended Maya went to her house to drop off her bag and get Jenny.

"Hey Jenny!"

"Hey! How was school?"

"Good anyway were going to Bill and Toms now!"

"Are you sure you wanna go?" Jenny asked

"Yea of course why?" 

"Never mind lets go!" Jenny said completely disregarding what she just said

"Why is everyone acting weird today?"

"I'll show you later."

"Show me what?"

"Forget about it i'll show you later lets start heading over now"


    When they got there everyone was there besides tom and Ally.

"Hey guys!"

"Hey!" they all said

"Where's tom and ally?"

"Upstairs." Bill said

"Why arent they downstairs with the rest im gonna get them." Maya said as they tried to tell her to stay but she still went. When she walked in she saw a half naked ally and half naked tom. "Oh my god..." Maya said as she ran away but tom started chasing her. Just as Maya was about to leave she felt someone grab her wrist.

"Maya wait!" Tom shouted

"What! What do you want!" Maya shouted back 

"Im sorry okay im really sorry." Tom said while ally raced down the stairs now behind tom

"Dont apologize to me! Dont even talk to me!" Maya said while pushing passed tom to get to ally. "And you! Why would you do that to me." Maya said with tears streaming down her face.

"Oh my god. You really didnt see this coming?" Ally scoffed

"What. What do you mean?" Maya said confused

"I've liked tom ever since i was in 3rd grade. I only became friends with you because i knew you were close with the band. I mean you dont really think i liked you right? God you're so stupid"

"You were on of my best friends." Maya said as she turned to tom " And tom. I thought we had something real." Ally laughed.

"God you're so stupi-" Ally was saying until Jenny started pulling her hair and punching her.

"WHO'S STUPID NOW HUH?" Jenny said while beating Ally up. None of the boys helped except tom. But everything set in.

"Oh my god. I am stupid. You all knew! Bill how could you do this to me!" Maya practically screamed. Bill ran over to try to hug her but she pushed him off. "Dont touch me! I mean were you waiting for me to find out like this?! I thought we were best friends!" 

"We ar-" Bill was gonna say till Maya cut him off

"THATS NOT WHAT BEST FRIENDS DO. I hate all of you. Dont talk to me again." Maya said walking out of the house with Jenny following her.

"Sorry i should've showed you earlier." Jenny apologized

"Im so happy you beat the shit outta her, She needed it."

"That bitch deserved it. I could not stand to hear her call you stupid again."

"Well im never talking to them again."

"What about school?"

"Im ignoring them."



dramaaaaaa llamaaaa. anyway i need ideas for next chapter. ty bookies love u always 💋

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