part one

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                                                                                 august 20th 2002

    "Honey come on lets go!" mayas mom shouted from downstairs.

"I told you im not going so leave without me!" maya shouted from upstairs with attitude in her voice. 

 "You dont have a choice now stop making this difficult the airport is 2 hours away and we need to be at the airport early. lets go!" mayas mom shouted even louder letting maya know she was already fed up.

"UGH fine whatever im coming." maya said racing down the stairs to make sure her she doesnt get dragged down by her mom.

"Next time you give me that attitude im dragging you out of your room." maya's mom  said while laughing "Now lets go your dads waiting."

      Maya leaves her house shes lived in her whole life. 'why do we have to move now.' maya thought as she felt her eyes watering. All the memories in this  house she lived in is now gone. Sarah, Maya's mom saw Maya's eyes watering.

"Its ok mama your new school is going to be great and you're going to make so many new friends i promise." Sarah said looking at Maya through the rear view mirror.

 "How can you promise that mom!? God, this whole thing sucks why cant we just stay in cali?" Maya said slightly raising her voice.

"You know why we have to move Maya stop giving your mother a hard time! Do you think she wants to move either? Or do you think i even want to move?" Eric, Maya's dad said.

"Your, your right im sorry mom i was being selfish." Maya had always been a tough person but knew when she was wrong. 

"Its okay honey just be considerate next time." Sarah said

After Sarah said that Maya put in her headphones on and drifted to sleep with her head on the window.


Maya woke up to a slight shake on her leg.

"Maya honey were here time to wake baby" Eric said in a soft voice.

    As Maya got out of the car she did a little stretch and got her things from the trunk. They got past all the checking in and security and were now waiting for their plane to take off.


The plane lands and they get a cab back to their new house. Once they arrive Maya was shocked to see how much bigger it was to her old one.

"Are you guys sure this is our house?" Maya said giggling even though she was half serious.

They get out and walk in the house. Its beautiful and spacious and Maya was totally happy. 'Maybe it wouldn't be to bad it could be like a fresh new start' Maya thought to herself. It was getting late so Maya just slept on her mattress with a blanket she found in a box and fell asleep quite quick.

   *pls read!*  


hiii!so im not a writer or anything so im like really bad at this so pls js bear with me 😭 also since maya has moved from california she doesnt understand german so when they speak german it'll be bold. also the setting is 2002 so ik they are 12 this is gonna be an enemies to lovers type book and they're gonna grow up together. it will def get better not just the story but the writing to when i get better nd stuff (i hope 😧). so i hope this answered any questions anyone had so pls enjoy!! love yall xoxo 💋 i made a tik tok account if yall wanna follow! its called "tomkaulitzlippeircing" 😭

My Enemy // tom kaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now