Chapter 21 - Trouble at the Border

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Dreven's familiar howl echoed across the clearing. Libby, who was just outside the rendezvous site, quickly returned there in time to attend the meeting. The rest of the Pack had already gathered in their usual half-circle formation in front of Leader's Rock. Dreven sat in his usual position as well, with Kotan at his right.

"It has been three quarter-moons since the Dog Pack's attack," Dreven started, "and so far there has been no sign from them. I think it is safe to say that this threat has passed, at least for now. We still have much more pressing matters to attend to. We have heard little from them for a while, aside from Libby's scarring."

Libby flicked an ear. They didn't care about their scars anymore, so the Leader's remark didn't hurt.

"However, must think about the growing threat of Wessels' Army. All we know is that they have been claiming territories in the Midlands, such as our neighbors from the Plains."

Libby presumed he didn't mention the name of the Pack of Fading Shadows to spare theirs and Alex's feelings.

" I know Wessels and the demon that possesses him. They don't just want to rule the Southlands by the sea - they want to rule all of wolfdom; Southlands, Midlands and the North."

Libby swallowed hard, their heart pounding in their chest.

"I know I have been reluctant to face the fact that sooner or later we'll have to face them. Truth be told, Brighten's death affected me greatly and made me even more afraid than before. But since the Dog Pack I have come to my senses. I cannot deny the threat the Army poses any longer."

He nodded at Kotan, who addressed the Pack in his turn. "Dreven and I have been discussing a way to get rid of the Army. We cannot do this alone; our Pack is small and Wessels' Army are many. Therefore, we have decided to start gathering allies in other Packs."

"What?" gasped Pearl.

"But the Packs have always minded their own business!" bayed Snow-white.

Kotan raised his voice. "We cannot do this alone! Do not forget that their Leader has supernatural powers!"

"We think," Dreven went on, "that the key in defeating the Army is to kill Wessels and the demon within him. We need enough numbers to create a distraction to keep the Army busy while a select few wolves find a way to bring down their Leader."

"But how do we do that?" Katie cried out. "Wessels lived far longer than any of us, he's far stronger than any of us, and who knows what else he can do!"

Dreven furrowed his brow, looking thoughtful. "Neither me nor Kotan know how to defeat him, but maybe one of our future allies does. Once we've gathered comrades we can devise a proper plan together."

"I like this new proactive Dreven," Alex muttered beside Libby with a small grin at his sibling.

Libby smiled back, glad that Dreven and Kotan were finally trying to find a way to bring down the Army. And get revenge for Mom and Dad and all of Fading Shadows. No doubt Alex was thinking the same as well.

"But, where will we start? There are many Packs in the Midlands!" Zrin inquired.

Dreven nodded. "We know, and I do not think that all Packs will help. But we must try. The ones I plan on asking to support us are the following: The Pack of Deep Woods, the Pack of Bright Flames, the Pack of Sharpened Antlers, the Pack of Tall Grass, the Pack of Soaring Eagles, the Pack of Strong Fangs, and the Pack of Deep Hollow.

"I know that including Plains Packs in this such as Tall Grass and Bright Flames is risky as we're not on the friendliest of terms, but we have to try. These are just the Packs that are reasonably within traveling distance We'll hope that they agree to spread the word to other Packs they know as well."

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