Chapter 20 - Aftermath

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The Pack sullenly returned to the rendezvous site. Dreven, his countless wounds now patched up with leaves and cobwebs, was carried on Kotan's back to the Healer's Cave. The rest of the Pack also had some of their most severe wounds already patched up, but none of them were as badly injured as the old Leader.

"What if he doesn't make it?" Libby heard Katie whisper beside them.

"He has to," Umium responded simply.

The Pack soon started to disperse to lick their wounds, with Libby staying near their brother. Alex still looked devastated, and hadn't said a word since Sandy had left him.

Snow-white, the least injured out of the entire Pack, started pacing to and fro on the rendezvous site, muttering to herself. She finally stopped when Ktea approached her, and the duo started talking. Judging by the snide looks they threw at Alex, Libby could already guess the subject of their conversation.

Alex is screwed. Everyone knows of his relationship with Sandy... They gave their brother a comforting nudge on the shoulder, however he pulled back, staring ahead blankly. "It'll be okay," they said softly.

Alex briefly shook his head. "No. Sandy hates me. The Pack hates me. What even is the point anymore..."

"The Pack will get over it sooner or later," Libby barked.

"Will they?" was Alex's only response.

Libby, focusing their worries on Dreven. If he dies... He's the one who took me and Alex in when we had nowhere else to go. He'll always be a hero to me for that, even if his other leadership decisions haven't always been the best ones.

Snow-white's voice suddenly rang over the crowd. "Well, this was a bust! Our 'Leader' might die, and one of our own is a traitor!"

The Pack looked up, giving one another uncomfortable glances, before most eyes pointed in Alex's direction. The gray wolf pushed himself into the ground, and Libby stepped in front of him to protect him.

Snow-white approached. "Move aside! The traitor needs to be dealt with!" Her blood-red eyes sparked with fury.

Gathering all the courage within them, Libby stayed where they were. "No. Dreven will decide Alex's fate. He's still our Leader."

"He might not make it!" She turned back to the Pack. "And if he does pass, will we truly allow a pup to take his place? Kotan is too young and inexperienced for this task!"

Zrin stepped forward with a frown on his visage. "Kotan is still Dreven's choice for a Second, so tradition demands he take over in case he doesn't make it."

"That aside, who says that Dreven will die?" bayed Diamond. "He might very well still make it."

"That old weakling?" huffed Snow-white.

"Enough of this!" Kotan stepped from outside the Healer's den, his wounds still untreated and Dreven's dried blood covering his back. "While Dreven is unconscious, I'll be your acting Leader, whether you like it or not!"

Snow-white briefly bared her teeth. "Well then, Leader, what will you do about this traitor of a pup?" She gestured to Alex with her long tail.

Kotan stepped in Libby's and Alex's direction, and gestured with his muzzle for them to step aside. Libby hesitated for a moment, but then did as instructed. They trusted Kotan.

"Alex, get up," the Second told his trainee.

Alex shivered for a bit before sitting up again, still refusing to meet anyone's eyes.

"He was in a relationship with the Dog Pack's Leader!" Snow-white boomed. "Everyone saw it at the battle!"

Kotan turned around to face the Pack and flicked an ear. "Yes. Dreven and I were aware.. We kept him anonymous to protect him. He made a mistake, but he's still young, and Dreven already punished him for his disloyalty before."

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