xv. back to school.

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 chapter fifteen

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chapter fifteen

back to school.

┌── •✧• ──┐

Cindy's POV

Back to school after my stupid little hangover.

I did my hair like this today;

I did my hair like this today;

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And my makeup like this;

Not too natural, and not too out there, if that makes sense

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Not too natural, and not too out there, if that makes sense. I really like it.

Anyway, me and Jaden are going good. We're 'talking,' and I've never 'talked,' to a boy before.

But I can't help but get this feeling. This gut wrenching feeling. I don't know what it is, but I'm trusting it. I dont know what's going to happen but I feel like something will, I'm very anxious.

I like gut feelings. I know when something bad will happen because of them, they are really helpful for me, I feel more prepared and I can tell when something bad is about to happen.

And I can tell something bad is going to happen soon.

I can feel it.

But at least I feel noted about it, right?

First lesson would be Biology. It's an okay subject I suppose.

I'm sat next to Lexi, and then it's Jaden, and this other girl called Millie Rimes. She's a popular girl, but not at the same time.

I think the popular girls just use her because her dad buys them all alcohol and the things you use to smoke with.

I feel a bit sorry for her, to be honest.

But then, on the other side of Millie is Reagan,and Javon. Yes, Javon is in some of my classes. Rare sighting.

When we get assigned seats I notice Reagan start to giggle behind Millie's back, I don't understand.

Are they making fun of her?

"Stop it Reag," I say, sticking up for Millie.

"Stop what, Cindy?" Reagan asks.

"Making fun of her." I mouth, so that Millie doesn't feel embarrassed.

"Oh I'm not doing that at all Cindy." Reagan assures me. I don't understand whats happening.

"What are they talking about?" I ask Lexi.

"Oh, you know Millie Rimes?" Lexi begins, I nod. "Apparently she has a really big crush on Jaden." My heart sinks. She's beautiful, I just wonder if Jaden will stay loyal to me even though we aren't even a thing.

She's actually a really pretty girl too, this is what she looks like;

She's actually a really pretty girl too, this is what she looks like;

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She's gorgeous.

Biology is going to be fun this year.

"Cindy, hello?" Lexi says to me, i then realise I zoned out. "Are you jealous or something." Jealous is a big word. I'm not jealous, I'm just wary.

"No. Jealous is too much of a strong word to describe my feelings." I respond. "She's a pretty girl and all but I guess now we'll find out if he really does like me or not."

"Good point. I love your confidence, Cindy." Lexi says in a compliment.

"I love you, Lexi." I say in a teasing way.

"How cute." She replies. I smile at our little flirty comments which are jokes.

"Ew I'm sat next to you." I hear Millie speak, in a particularly flirty way, also playfully pushing his arm. I look up at Lexi and I know she heard what I just heard. I lean over the table and look at Jaden and he just looks at me, like he's shocked.

"Hi Millie." Jaden manages to say awkwardly.

"Jaden's getting flustered." Reagan says, oh my god. He really loves to stir the pot doesn't he.

"No he isn't." Javon says, it's good to know someone has my back, he also smiled at me whilst saying it. Javon is so sweet.

"I think he is." Millie giggles.

"What the fuck." I mouth to Lexi.

"Say something." Lexi mouths back. I think I have an idea.

"Jaden." I say, catching his attention immediately.

"Cindy." He says, trying to tease me and ease the tension of the situation. As a discrete reaction I put my lips into a flat line. Lexi is looking at me in disbelief, not believing that I'm trying to win my boy back. I cannot even believe I'm competing over a boy.

"Funny." I reply to Jaden. "Do you want to go on a walk with me after school today?" I feel Millie's eyes burning onto mine. Not in a bad way, like she's smiling at me. God, this is annoying.

"Of course Cindy." He replies. "Give me your book."

"Why?" I ask.

"I need it to copy your answers dummy." Jaden mocks me. I roll my eyes and Lexi is looking at me in shock, still. "What?"

"I cant believe you just did that."

└── •✧• ──┘

Alysha speaks
Millie is actually so pretty

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