Chapter 3

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As the next morning started to come by with the sun rising outside, I began to wake up, yawning as I rubbed my eyes and sat up. Today, I had to face my family and listen to them lecture me about leaving home and being seen. If only they would just understand.

As I went to stand up, I hissed in pain and quickly pulled my knees to my chest, looking down and seeing the massive amounts of water in this place. That's right, Mrs. Ripple helped me get away from that police officer last night and let me spend the night here. She was such a kind and wonderful woman.

I managed to get onto the floatie chair and used a pool noodle to maneuver my way across the water, trying to get to somewhere that didn't have any. That's when I saw Brook walking into the living room. Her smile brightened when she saw me and rushed over, helping he towards the door where there wasn't any water. "Good morning, Y/n. I hope you slept well last night." She said with a giggle as she helped me off the floatie and stood near me. "I did. Thank you for letting me stay, but I have to get home. My family isn't going to be happy with me." I sighed and looked away.

Brook's gaze softened as she went to give me a hug, but stopped when her arms started to create bubbles from my heat. "Oh, I wish I could give you a hug." Tears started streaming down her cheeks as she sniffled. I smiled sadly. "It's okay. I promise to come and visit whenever I can." I said softly, making the water woman smile and wipe her tears away. "Good. Maybe next time, you can meet the family." I nodded with a bright smile and pulled my hood up. "That sounds lovely. Thank you again for helping me. Have a great day, Mrs. Ripple." I waved and left the apartment.

As I left the building, I began walking through the city, trying to hide as much of my blue fire as I possibly could. It surprised me that Mrs. Ripple was willing to help me and was so kind to me. Ashfa always told us to stay away from water because they'll just try to water us down. But that's not what I saw.

I pulled out my headphones from my pocket and began listening to some music as I got on the train, standing near a door to look out the window and stay away from others. But as the train began moving and hit a bump, my headphones fell off. I bent down to pick them up, but saw a hand made of water reach for them too, a drop falling onto my hand as I winced and mumbled a small 'ouch'. As I stood up and looked, I saw a rather handsome water guy. He gave an apologetic smile. "Sorry."

I was a bit surprised. He bent down and picked up my headphones before holding them out to me. "I'm Wade." He smiled, making me start to feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Well, I was already warm, but this was a completely different feeling. As I took off my hood and smiled, his eyes widened and so did his smile. "I'm-" But before I could even tell him my name, someone spoke up instead. "A monster!" A cloud man called out and pointed at me. Everyone on the train started staring and backing away. "Stay away from her! She's probably more dangerous than the rest of the fire people!" A tree woman yelled as everyone gasped.

Tears made of blue lava began welling up in my eyes as I pulled my hood up and immediately ran out the doors of the train as they opened. "Wait! Come back!" Wade tried to yell for me, but I didn't listen. I just kept running as the tears streamed down my cheeks.

Wade's POV

I watched as the strange woman rushed away, turning back to everyone on the train with a sad look. "Why would you guys say something like that? She's not a monster." I was baffled that they would even be so rude to someone they didn't know. "She's obviously different from the rest. What if she tried to hurt someone on the train with that blue fire of hers?" The cloud man from before spoke with a glare. I just shook my head and got off the train, looking down at the headphones in my hand. I then noticed that there was an engraving on the headband of said headphones.

Y/n Lumen - The Fireplace

"Y/n Lumen... beautiful." I mumbled to myself with a smile as I looked up, beginning to make my way to the same route that the woman had run off to. I had to return these and talk to her. Those people on the train should've never said such horrible things. You can't judge someone just from their looks or what they are. You judge them by their personality.

As I soon came to the edge of Firetown, I started to feel a bit out of place. Not many water people came here. Actually, not many other elements came here besides fire.

Just when I was about to walk towards the store that had the sign called The Fireplace, I paused when I could hear something. Was someone...crying?

"Hello?" I called out as I looked around, trying to follow the sound. It was coming from under the train track. As I followed it, I soon found a dim blue light next to a pillar that held up the track. My gaze softened as I slowly walked over and sat down beside the light. It was her.

My harm started to boil and steam up a bit, making me scoot away slightly so I wouldn't evaporate. "Miss Lumen?" I asked gently, making her flinch and lifted her head up to look at me. Her fire was so dim that it looked like it was dying. It broke my heart to see something like this. "Please...go away." She mumbled and looked away. This poor woman. I felt so bad for her.

I was quiet for a moment as I looked down at my lap before grabbing her headphones out of my bag. "I wanted to give these back to you. They had your name and shop engraved on them." I said softly as I held them out to her. She looked a bit confused before hesitantly taking them, being careful as to not touch my hand. "I don't think you're a monster. You're just different and there's nothing wrong with that. If no one else can see that, then I guess everyone needs some glasses." I smiled, seeing her smile as well from what I said. Her fire began to light back up a bit more, back to its natural beautiful blue color.

When I looked down, I could see beautiful refracting lights from her light reflecting against my water. My eyes widened as I began to smile. "Wow...I've never seen anything so beautiful." I chuckled lightly and looked back at her. She seemed a bit embarrassed, but smiled bashfully. "Thank you."

A sudden voice began calling out a name nearby, the door to the Fireplace opening. "Y/n! Y/n, where are you?!" A small fire woman called out while looking around. My eyes widened as I looked at Y/n. "I should go. When can I see you again?" I asked softly as we both stood up. Y/n seemed surprised that I asked such a thing, but she started to smile. "Tonight at 8." She said as she dusted off her skirt and fixed her hood to make sure it was covering most of her fire. I smiled even more and nodded. "I'll be here, I promise."

Before anything else was said, Y/n smiled brightly and nodded before rushing off towards the shop. I smiled as I sighed happily, feeling my heart fluttering and floating with joy. Looks like I've got a date with a beautiful blue flame.

My Beautiful Blue Flame - Wade Ripple x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now