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The blue flame is what connects all of the fire people, protecting them and even giving them the power to burn bright.

Every family had their own blue flame on Fireland. But when a tragic storm came through, almost everything was lost. The Lumens had to gather everything they had left and sailed away from their home, knowing that they couldn't stay.

After traveling for many days, it felt like forever before they arrived to a strange place. Element City. Blimps carried people made of clouds, the entire aircraft deflating to travel down to the next departure and reinflating with the next ones. Submarines carried water and completely dumped it out, the large puddles turning into people that just simply walked off with their things. And large boats held the earth elements, trees and shrubs of all kinds walking through.

The Lumens were curious and amazed by this wonderful city, traveling through to get approved for being there. "Next!" The tree behind the counter called out. The fire people smiled and walked forward, making the tree smile down at them. "Your names, please?" The fire man smiled and began speaking in a language called Fireish, making the tree chuckle. "And how do you spell that?" The next thing that came out sounded a bit more complicated, not even words at all. " about we just call you...Bernie and Cinder?" He smiled nervously, the two nodding happily. After stamping their approval, he welcomed them to Element City.

That was four years ago. The Lumens had moved into a new home with their own shop, rebuilding the place completely to make it feel more like home, more like Fireland. Bernie and Cinder had a child named Ember, a sweet and loving girl with so much bravery. They taught her how to help out around the shop and even help customers, though she couldn't process the orders or anything.

One night, as they closed the shop for the time being, Bernie and Ember stood beside the large bowl of their blue flame and broke a stick in half. "Our blue flame is what connects us to our people. It protects us and makes our flame glow brighter." Handing one half towards Ember, he closed his eyes as if praying before putting his stick into the blue flame, smiling as he turned to his daughter. "We pray to the blue flame sometimes. Pray for something, daughter." He gently picked her up and held her in his arms as she looked at the fire.

Ember thought for a moment before smiling and closing her eyes, her flames seeming to glow brighter as she prayed silently and tossed the stick into the flames in front of her. "I did it, ashfa." She giggled and smiled up at him. A hearty chuckle escaped her father as he brought her towards her room. "Good daughter. Now, get some rest. Goodnight." He kissed her forehead after tucking her in and left her room. The little firegirl smiled as she curled up in bed. "Please come true, blue flame." She whispered to herself before soon falling asleep.

That very night, while everyone was fast asleep, the blue flame began to glow brightly before a small coal seemed to pop and fall out onto the floor, the flame on it still burning. And slowly, it got bigger and bigger.

That blue flame granted Ember her wish and gave her someone to look up to, someone to have with her and accept her.

The next morning, as the Lumens came down stairs into the shop to start setting everything up to open, until they saw a strange anomaly. Bernie kept Cinder and Ember behind him as he slowly walked over and gasped up on seeing what was on the floor. A small child, the same age as Ember. But this one was different. Even though she was made of fire like them, her fire was blue. "Oh my..." Cinder gasped as she held Ember close to her.

The blue flame child opened her eyes and looked up, quickly backing away and hiding behind the large bowl of the blue flame. Bernie's gaze softened. Ember looked and started to smile as she ran out of her mother's arms and towards the bowl, kneeling down and peaking around to see the other girl. The blue firegirl paused for a moment and stared at her, her e/c eyes widening slightly. "Ember, be careful!" Cinder spoke worriedly, not sure of what was even going on. What was this child? Why was her fire blue?

Ember giggled and held her hand out towards the other girl. "It's okay. You're safe. I'm Ember." She spoke gently, almost immediately knowing that the blue flame had granted her the wish she made. The blue fire girl hesitated for a moment before slowly reaching out and taking her hand. "Em...Ember." The girl slowly repeated as she smiled, slowly coming out of hiding. Ember's smile brightened. "That's right, and that's mom and ashfa. They're our parents." Ember spoke softly while pointing to them. The two seemed shocked before slowly smiling and walking over. "Our daughters. Ember and...Y/n." Bernie spoke softly, making the blue flame girl, Y/n, smile even more. "Y/, ashfa, and Ember." The little one spoke with a giggle. Y/n Lumen. The newest member of the Lumen family, and they all couldn't have been happier.

My Beautiful Blue Flame - Wade Ripple x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now