Its a girl

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Kylie's pov
"Kylie you're having a baby .... GIRL!! Congrats! I'm gonna print some pictures out for you guys!"

My mom breaks down and kisses my cheek and then helps me get cleaned up ! Cam is in shock he keeps staring at the monitor of the picture the doctor snapped! He looks at me and says " just what I wanted! " and kisses my stomach.

The doctor walks in and hands me 3 envelopes 1 for cams parents ,1 for cam and I , and 1 for my parents !!
I walked out and had to drive my mom home !
*skip car ride back*
I went to Babies R US and went to go buy a picture frame to put our baby's picture in! When I got there I saw this cutest little outfit for ... Oh god I haven't found a name for the baby yet!! Cam and I haven't even talked about it !!! I hurried home and saw cam playing Grant theft auto V, I turned the Xbox off and he yelled at me ! " BABE WHAT THE HEL-"
" we don't have a name!"
" the baby , she doesn't have a name!!"
" oh yeah , we haven't even talked about it yet!"
I sit next to him and thought about all the names and cam said " how bout Juliet Marie Dallas?"
I smiled and said " but what about Avia Marie Dallas ?!" He jumped up and said " AVIA IS PERFECT OMG AVIA AWW MY PRINCESS AVIA !"
He kneeled down on his knees and had his head to my stomach 'hey Avia it's your daddy talking! I can't wait to see you real soon! I love you princess!' And he kisses my stomach !!!

Cam and I have now agreed to do the babies room! So we went to ace hardware and bought grey paint and then headed to a luxury babies! (A/N I made it up) it's a store with really expensive furniture but it's all modern and stylish !

They had a set build up of the room I exactly wanted so we bought all that furniture plus sheets and curtains and chair and all those good stuff !! So they had people who can take it to our house and then help us build everything!

So they build everything in the living room while I painted the walls grey, it took be about 3 hours because then they needed a second coat ! So once I finished the guys were done and we tipped them a 100 dollars each. Then cam and I moved the furniture in! Cam said he "needed a break!" So I put all the curtains up and the mirror and the shelfs and the comforter and all that good stuff and once I finished it was 4 in the morning and I take a step back and see the most beautiful room ever!! ( picture up above!)

I wake up cam to take a look,
"Wow babe ! You did great!"
"Thank you ! I just hope Avia likes it!"
"Babe she'll love it, now come on let's get you in bed !"

*5 weeks later*
Cam and I just got home from the baby shower ! My parents bought the stroller and the carrier , cams parents bought all the diapers and wipes and like 10 outfits and like 50 million shoes ! Along with my parents ! The magcon boys all pitched in to by a Tiffany and Co. Baby charm bracelet!
It had a 'A' charm , and a 'K' charm along with a 'C' charm and once she gets older we can add more charms !

Once the baby is about 7 months old I wanna baptize my baby! I'm catholic and I was baptized once to so , the god moms will be Mahogany and my best friend Kendall and for the god fathers well she's gonna have a few of those. So it's Jack g, Nash, and Matt !

Cam and I had to make really hard decisions but everyone was just lucky to be called a uncle !

I was starving even though I ate like 10 plates of food , so I heated up a hot pocket in the microwave and all of a sudden ..... " MY WATER BROKE!!!!!!!!!" Cam ran to me and grabbed my hospital bags and took me to the hospital which was 15 minutes away! " AGGGGGHH OMG AGHHH IT HURTS PLEASE MAKE IT STOP !! " cam tells me to breath in and out in and out, I did it and the contractions passed but every 5 minutes they'd come back 50 times worse!!!!

We got to the hospital and cam sat me in a wheel chair , " HELP MY GIRLFRIEND IS GOING INTO LABOR!" Nurses take me to a pink room and set me on the bed ! They take me out of my clothes and put me in a hospital gown ! Cam was calling all the magcon boys plus my parents and his to come in ! My room was pretty huge and I wanted all of the god parents in there plus the parents !

They got in just in time, and the doctor said I'm ready to push ! The doctor says " okay I need two people holding each leg up !" Cam and my mom did ! My dad and cams mom held my hands the rest of the group was either watching or was by my side ! " okay Kylie I need you to push , ready 12345 'AGGGGGHHHH ' 8910" then you hear a baby crying and I see cam cut the cord and I start to cry and the doctor took the baby and cleaned her up and handed her to me one of the nurses said " And what's the babies name?!"
" Avia Marie Dallas! " " what a beautiful name !" She said as she prints the birth certificate!

The doctor cleaned me up and told me he'll come in here and there to check up everyone passed the baby around and all said "aww" then the rest of the magcon boys came in and gave me a hug , carter came in with chipotle for me and I thank him and literally tore that thing up !!!

The baby starts crying and I had to breast feed her, I popped out my boob and Avia starts sucking ! Everyone was like 'EWWW!' I rolled my eyes and kept feeding her!

The nurses told everyone to leave and give cam and I peace ! She taught us how to wash the baby, and change the baby and to feed the baby and all the good stuff ! Then she handed me some pregnancy pills for nutrition the baby will be getting !

She took the baby for the night to the baby room where all the babies get Examined for a night!

2 Days Later
Cameron's pov
I took Avia and took a picture of her ! I posted it on Instagram gram and Twitter Camerondallas: My beautiful daughter Avia 👶🏼😍😘 I love my princess ! 😇

The baby smelled a bit bad and Kylie was asleep so I changed her and cleaned her dirty diaper and washed her ! She smiled the whole time at me , she had blue eyes! My grandmother had beautiful crystal blue eyes and Avia got here genes ! Avia has my nose and smile and my cheeks , she has Kylie's Nose and long eyelashes along with her dimples.

My baby is so beautiful she's going to be a heart breaker when she's older ! I
Just stared into her eyes and smiled she grabbed my finger and stared at it she then giggled !!

I dried her up and put on baby lotion and a diaper, I then put on her pink onesie that says ' Pretty in Pink '
I then brush her soft hair and put on a white head wrap on her . I put her in the carrier and wake up Kylie to get ready so we can leave ! She gets up and goes to the bathroom to do her business, she then comes out in a black skater skirt with a maroon long sleeve shirt with black flats ! She looked beautiful!

We head out to the car and drive home ! When we got home I had a surprise for ky and Avia ! We walk in and see a Cocker spaniel puppy ! (A/N the dog lady from lady and the tramp ) Kylie picked up the puppy and gave it kisses , the dog is a boy so she named him 'Sinatra'!! She named him Sinatra after the famous Jazz singer Frank Sinatra.

We put the puppy in the dog bed and then put the baby to sleep!!

Kylie's pov
Once I put Avia to bed I then went to bed and was out !! I heard cam get up and check on Avia here and there but Avia managed to sleep the whole night ! I tried to fall back asleep but I could only hear the puppy barking to get on the bed, I put the puppy on the bed and he gave me millions of kisses and was jumping all Around the bed, Sinatra followed me everywhere I went , I went to the bathroom to pee and he just sat there in front of me waiting , I brushed my teeth he watched me , I went to check on the baby and he kept scratching at my leg to see Avia !

I grab Avia and sit on the floor, Sinatra looks at me then the baby and walks slowly toward Avia , he gives her the most gentle wet kiss ever! Avia was sleeping and when he kissed her she had a big smile ! Then Sinatra keep giving her kisses , he woke her up and she grabbed his ear so gentle as if she was petting him !!

My family is so cute I can't even explain !!

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