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Going Home And Costumes

Harry's POV

The doctor pulled me and Louis out into the hallway. "You are allowed to bring her home now!" He exclaimed. "Okay!" I replied signing the release papers. We went inside. "LETS GO HOME!" I whisper-yelled. "Yay!" Luna told us while trying to sit up. Louis picked her up and walked through the door. We told Louis to distract her while we make a WELCOME HOME party!

~~Two Hours later~~

We finally finished just as BooBear and Luna pulled up. They opened the door. "WELCOME HOME LUNA!!!" We all said. I think I speak for all of us when I say this. We are complete, we are whole, we are a FAMILY!

Liam's POV

~~3 Days Later two days before HALLOWEEN!~~

Today we all decided to go to the costume shop for Halloween! I already had one in mind.....Woody from Toy Story! Aha I found it!! I then helped Niall pick out one. It took forever since he just HAD to get one FOOD related. I then saw Louis being chased by Harry both wearing, well INAPROPRIATE items..."LOUIS AND HAROLD GET THOS THINGS OFF AND FIND YOUR COSTUMES!" I yelled sternly, earning a glance from an old lady. I then saw Zayn coming towards me with Luna in his arms.

~~At Cash Register~~

These are the costumes we got. Me-Woody,Niall-Hamburger,Harry-Cat,Louis-Carrot,Luna-Fairy Princess. In the end we all were tired and paid for our costumes excited for what lied ahead in our lives.


Next one up soon! Please



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