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Previously on Opening the heart:

"How about making it up to her? Annalise isn't really big on apologies." Marcus asks. 'He used my whole name. I'm screwed.' Mika and Zayn look at each other then nod. "Ok. Fine, I'm in." Zayn groans.

When we were about to leave, Zayn stopped me. He grabs my shoulder and gently calls my name. "Annalise." How he said my name made me feel queasy, but I didn't pay much attention to it. I turn to look at him. "Yes?" "Can I get your number? So I know where and when to pick you up." He states. "Yea. Give me your phone." I told him. He automatically gives me his phone and I put my number in. "Ok. Great. Thanks, see you tomorrow I guess." He says walking away. I tell him bye and open the door to my car.


The Next Day:

No Ones POV:

With Annalise



Annalise just finished her load for the day. Today was one of the worst days of her life.  She lost two patients, and she saw someone that she wished that she wouldn't want to see anymore. Annalise wanted  to leave already. She just wants to go home and go to bed and take a big fat nap. Currently she is finishing one of her last surgeries before the end of the day. 50 year old male, who was diagnosed with Epilepsy. Annalise is doing a temporal lobe resection, which is removing a small portion of the temporal lobe. She got everything she needed and all she needs now is to stitch him back up. Once she was finished with her surgery and washed up she went to go check on her last patient for the day.

"Hey guys, how are you guys doing?" Annalise says walking over into the room and grabbing their charts. The last patient of the day was Sofia, age 14. Last year she was diagnosed with  cancer and was gone until now, in which it came back. "We're doing well, Dr. Brooks." The mom answers. "I'm doing great Doc! How are you doing?!" The teenager asks. Sofia smiles and puts her phone away and puts all her attention to Annalise. Annalise skims the last few things on her chart before answering. "I am doing better now that I've seen you." Annalise states and smiles. Which the patient does as well. "So, on the chart it says that you've lost a good 10 pounds this week." Annalise states. The mom looks down and the teenager doesn't follow. Annalise sighs and puts the chart down, not sure how she's going to break the news to her and the mother.




With Zayn

Today was maybe one of Zayn's best days of his life. Zayn had his morning coffee and had no interruptions. There is a current lawsuit with the StarStruck company and Zayn's company. Someone reported to the news that StarStruck stole their products. They sent all the information saying  that they've had this idea since last year and that currently they were working on the product and ready for airing it until Starstruck happened. Everything with Zayn was going perfectly.

"Zayn." Mika calls. Mika walks into Zayn's office. Zayn was working on some last minute documents that he didn't finish last week. "Yes Mika?" Zayn answers. "What time are we picking everyone up? Or who is going with us?" Mika says sitting down in front of Zayn. Zayn stops what he's doing and looks up at Mika. He looked confused for a moment then realized what he's talking about. Zayn groans and puts his head down on his desk. Mika lets out a laugh and asks what they're going to do.

"What car did we take today?" Zayn asks. "The usual." Mika replies. Zayn nods and continues his work. "I don't want them in my car." Zayn states. He says looking Mika dead straight in his eyes then going back to his work. "Ok. Fine. Tell Annalise though." Mika tells Zayn. Zayn stops and looks up at Mika, "What." Zayn blurts out. "You have her number. Text her." Mika states. Zayn groans and leans back in his chair. "Fine. I'll text her once I get off of work." He says going back to work. Mika nods then gets up to leave.

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