Eagletalon (CLOSED)

58 5 9

From: IAmBaymaxThe1st

Description: Brown tabby tom with broad shoulders and amber eyes. Great at jumping and climbing.

1. Eaglestream (SkyfeatherRC)

2. Eaglewings (Harryp403)

3. Eagleflight (eternal_deathxx)

4. Eaglestrike (Doveclaw)

5. Eaglesky (Soulflight)

6. Eagleheart (Colliedog1121)

7. Eaglefeather (SnowBell555)

8. Eagletalon (FREEZINGxBREATH)

9. Eagleperch (criminalminder)

Thanks for playing! SkyfeatherRC Harryp403 eternal_deathxx Doveclaw Soulflight Colliedog1121 SnowBell555 FREEZINGxBREATH criminalminder

1st: Eagletalon FREEZINGxBREATH Congrats!

2nd: Eagleflight eternal_deathxx

3rd: Eagleheart Colliedog1121

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