Ferretfoot (CLOSED)

86 7 6

Description: Clever and outgoing. Mottled cream and dark grey tom. Likes climbing.

1. Ferretflight (eternal_deathxx)

2. Ferretfoot (IAmBaymaxThe1st)

3. Ferretfang (Poppysky)

4. Ferretsnarl (_BatmanKitty_)

5. Ferretstrike (Poisondiva4)

6. Ferretfleet (Sara-Q)

Thank you all for playing!! eternal_deathxx IAmBaymaxThe1st Poppysky _BatmanKitty_ Poisondiva4 Sara-Q

1st: Ferretfoot IAmBaymaxThe1st Congrats, you! ;)

2nd: Ferrestfleet Sara-Q

3rd: Ferretflight eternal_deathxx

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