Bushpelt (CLOSED)

38 1 14

From: me

Description: Brown and cream striped tom with flecks of orange. Excitable and bouncy, gets annoyed by stupidity.

1. Bushtuft (Jess_The_Wolf)

2. Bushberry (littlepinkblossom)

3. Bushflame (KechupCity)

4. Bushpelt (silver_spark1)

5. Bushflight (TheGreatGadsby)

6. Bushpetal (lilg208)

7. Bushlight (SK8ergirl)

8. Bushgorse (Reptilegirlhere)

9. Bushthorn (Warriors-Madness)

10. Bushnose (cloverponyz)

Thank you all for playing!!


1st: Bushpelt silver_spark1 Good job!

2nd: Bushnose cloverponyz

3rd: Bushthorn Warriors-Madness 

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