Sky(nb/afab) x Aubry(f)

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Aubry's POV:

I woke up, showered, got dressed  and had breakfast.

I did it all reluctantly. Quite frankly, I have no motivation for anything anymore.

Anyway, I decided to buy some new crystals, so I drove to my local witch shop.

Walking in, I felt the energy around me shift. It went from heavy and dark to light and soft. One of my favourite things about the witch shop.

I went over to the clear quartz to find another one of those, and in my peripheral vision I saw rose quartz.

I've been meaning to get some for a while, I just haven't yet, maybe I should get some today.

I move over to inspect the baby pink crystals, when I hear the bells on the door chime, prompting that someone just walked in.

Who could be walking in though? It's 10:30 on Tuesday morning, shouldn't everyone be at work?

My jaw dropped at who walked in. It was a tall tan person with long curly hair the colour of a cloud.

Sky's POV:

I walked in and immediately felt the energy shift from dark and heavy to soft and light. My favourite thing about the witch shop.

I knew what I was looking for, so I immediately turned to the rose quartz. There was someone else standing there, staring at me, jaw dropped.

I blushed, she was beautiful. She had bleach blonde hair reaching all the way down to her hips.

I walked over to her, and could feel my long navy skirt swishing around my ankles.

Aubry's POV:

They started walking over towards me, and I nearly felt my knees buckle underneath me.

“Hey there,” their beautiful voice came.

“Oh- I... Uhh, hi," I managed to stumble out.

I turned back around to browse the selection of shimmering pink crystals, and that person stepped beside me and looked with me.

“What a coincidence. I'm here for the crystal of love as well," their soft voice flowed throughout the room.

“Funny how that works, isn't it?” I sighed.

“Funny how what works? The magic of the crystals? Are you not a witch?” the deep soft voice came again.

“Oh, m-my apologies- Yes I am a witch. I m-meant-” I got incredibly tounge tied due to this person's beauty.

“Hahaha, it's okay, I'm teasing you. The names Sky. What's yours?”

“Sky? That's a very beautiful name," I said, relaxing a little bit.

“Why thank you! I chose it myself,” Sky giggled.

“I'm Aubry. It's a pleasure meeting you,” I smiled at the person.

There was a moment of silence as we both turned and picked up a small pink stone.

“I don't suppose you-”
“I couldn't interest you-”
We both spoke at the same time.

“Sorry, you go,” I said, uncontrollably blushing.

“Thank you. I was wondering if you'd like to perhaps have lunch together sometime. Or dinner, or breakfast, whichever meal you prefer to eat over a date.”

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